
Residents and businesses located in Kennedy, Carucchan, Ellerbeck, Cardwell, Port Hinchinbrook and Stoney Creek are advised to boil drinking water until further notice is issued.

This alert is due to water treatment equipment malfunction resulting in low chlorine levels.

Everyone in the affected locations is advised to boil water for use in the following activities:

  • Drinking
  • Brushing teeth
  • Washing and preparing food or beverages
  • Preparing baby formula
  • Making ice
  • Bathing infants

Residents are urged to please share this notice with neighbours and friends in the affected areas.

The boil water alert will stay in effect until Council receives approval from Queensland Health that the water no longer poses a public health concern.

Cassowary Coast Regional Council apologises for the inconvenience and will provide updates as they become available.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What can un-boiled water be used for?

  • Showering and bathing other than infants (but minimise water in the mouth)
  • Washing dishes by hand or in a dishwasher, provided dishes are air-dried
  • Washing clothes
  • Flushing toilets.

We never used to have boil water alerts, why do we have them now?

The water is the same water, however, in accordance with the strict application of health standards by the State Government water regulator, we have been instructed to issue this advisory warning.

For further information, please contact Council on 1300 763 903 or follow Council’s Facebook page.