Domestic Waste Collection Services
Service Update
Did you know that we have changed service provider for kerbside bin collections as we count down towards domestic recycling in 2025?
During this transition phase, we have discovered that collection days across a small number of streets have differed from Council’s official service route.
Council sincerely apologises for any confusion caused by this changeover in service, and we thank you for your patience and understanding as we review our domestic waste collection service.
Kerbside Bin Collection - New Service Provider Frequently Asked Questions
Garbage Collection Service Days
There are two kinds of kerbside garbage bins; wet waste bin (red/blue lid) and dry waste bin (green lid). Wet waste bins are collected weekly and dry waste bins fortnightly.
Please use the search field below to identify which week you will need to put out two bins and which week you just put out one bin. Your area has been classified as either a week one or week two area in relation to bin collections. If you live on a street where bins are collected on multiple days, and you are not sure which day to put your bins out, please contact Council on 1300 763 903 or email
House Number
Street Name
Never miss bin day again.
Council’s Waste Calendar has everything you need to know about waste management including:
- When kerbside wheelie bins are collected
- What time your local waste transfer station is open
- Tips on how to reduce your waste footprint and information on what goes into your dry and wet waste bins.
Council takes first major step towards kerbside recycling on the Cassowary Coast!
Fast facts:
- Kerbside recycling is coming to the Cassowary Coast in March 2025
- Council has engaged a new contract to deliver waste and recycling collection services - JJ's Waste & Recycling
- While we wait for recycling to commence, wet and dry bins will be collected by different trucks
- Bin collection days will remain the same but their collection time may vary
- Leading into kerbside recycling, Council will install yellow lids for 'recycling' bins
- Part of this rollout will be an extensive education campaign, to provide resources and information about recycling to the community
- Detailed information about this transition will soon be released. Stay tuned by following Council’s Facebook Page or register for newsletters at
Frequently Asked Questions
Recycling is not due to commence until March 2025, so for now please continue with the current wet and dry waste separation. Council will be sure to alert all residents of the exact changeover date so you're aware of when to switch to recycling and mixed waste separation.
Yes - your bin day will be the same for now. However, the time that your bins are collected may change. Please make sure you place your bins on the kerb before 6am on your bin day, or even better the evening prior to ensure your collection isn't missed.
Under Council's previous waste separation and processing system of 'wet/dry' waste, it was feasibe to use one dual-storage truck to empty bins. As we prepare for kerbside recycling in 2025, separate trucks will be required for this service which is why you'll notice your wet and dry bins being emptied separately for now.
This change is scheduled to happen in March 2025 (pending delays).
No, you will still have two bins under the new service. To minimise wastage and costs of replacing bins, Council intendds to replace the current ‘dry waste’ bin lid with a yellow lid.
All residents with a basic service will still have two bins after the changeover. Yellow lidded ‘recycling’ and a red lidded ‘mixed general waste’ bin.
Our region will move in line with other regions across Australia following this change and will no longer sort rubbish into wet and dry waste, but rather recycled goods and mixed waste. The date of this change is yet to be confirmed and is pending a finalised contract.
Only recyclable items should go in the yellow bin such as:
- Hard plastic bottles and containers as specified (remove plastic lids and place into your mixed waste bin)
- Steel and aluminium cans
- Glass bottles and jars
- Paper and cardboard
For a full list of items and further advice go to:
Or watch this video: Keep Recycling out of Waste
Waste that cannot be recycled may be placed into the ‘mixed general waste’ bin, however Council provides many options to dispose of unwanted items; it often doesn’t have to go into your waste and recycling bins at all. For the A-Z Waste Disposal Guide go to:
Recycling will be transported to the Cairns Regional Council Materials Recovery facility.
All mixed general waste will be transported to the Springmount landfill near Mareeba (where our current wet waste is transported).
That’s correct. Council will continue to operate some landfill sites for items that are not collected via the kerbside collection. Gradually these landfills will be closed once they reach their limits, and no new landfills will be open. Our future focus is on diversion from land fill and increased recycling.
We are lucky to live in two World Heritage Areas; the Great Barrier Reef on our doorstep and the Wet Tropics area in our backyard. This means that how we deal with waste is different because of the sensitive ecosystem. To protect our greatest resources, all our wet (Putrescible) and mixed waste must go to a landfill site outside the region. This is a condition of our landfill license, issued by the QLD State Government to protect surface water and groundwater from landfill waste water (leachate) levels.
Yes. Council encourages all residents to utilise this existing and local program wherever possible.
All residents should continue to separate waste into ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ until a changeover date has been confirmed. This is expected to happen within in the financial year 2024/25.
Council will share updates with you in a number of ways. To keep up to date with the latest news, we encourage you to follow our social media channels on Facebook and Instagram, and read our monthly newsletter in the Wet Tropic Times newspaper. Information will also be made available in Council customer service centres and Cassowary Coast Libraries. To receive news directly to your inbox, register for our E-Newsletter by visiting
Your Bin - Your Responsibility
Kerbside bins are the responsibility of the property tenant, who are required to:
- Place bin out before 6am on collection day.
- Return bin to the property no later than 24hrs after collection.
- Ensure bin is not overflowing and the lid can close – overloaded bins can cause damage to truck equipment and injury to the driver.
- Place bins half a metre from the curb and one metre apart with the handle and wheels facing your house or property.
- Ensure bins are free from obstruction such as low overhanging branches or power lines.
- Ensure wet waste bin does NOT have any garden waste.
For more information on kerbside bin services, click below.
Upon the commencement of a registered property, Council provides the ratepayer with kerbside bins. The kerbside bins then become the responsibility of the rate payer. If the property is leased, bins then become the responsibility of the tenant.
Should a bin go missing, stolen or damaged due to events other than general wear and tear, a replacement wheelie bin fee may be charged.
To request a new or an additional kerbside bin service, a Change of Kerbside Garbage Service Request Form needs to be submitted to Council by the property owner only.
To request a wheelie bin repair or replacement caused by wear and tear, phone Council's Customer Service on 1300 763 903 and details will be provided to Council’s contractor, Cleanaway who will provide that service.
To request a cancellation of a wheelie bin service, a Change of Kerbside Garbage Service Request Form needs to be submitted to Council. Upon approval of cancellation of a service, wheelie bins must be presented for collection. If they are not made available for collection, a replacement fee must be paid.
Cancellation of wheelie bin services will only be approved under the following circumstances:
- Request is for cancellation of additional services.
- Cancellation is for a property which has undergone a demolition or house removal.
- Property is located more than 100m from roadside collection point.
Did you know that your household waste is collected by a garbage truck fitted with a mechanical arm, operated by a single driver from inside the truck?
The driver cannot leave the cabin to correct kerbside bin placement. Which means if your kerbside bin is not placed correctly on the day of collection, your bin will may not be emptied.
To ensure your kerbside bin is emptied, follow these simple guidelines:
- Place your bin/s out prior to bin collection time i.e. the night before or morning of bin collection service and remove from kerbside within 24 hours of bin service.
- Please place your bins kerbside with the wheels facing the property and clear from any obstructions (e.g. trees, letterboxes, cars).
- Place your bins at least ½ metre apart on the kerbside. For rural residents, please place your bins 1 metre off the sealed road, well clear of traffic. When presenting two bins, place them at least 1m apart from one another.
- If you live in a court/cul-de-sac, please take your bins to the nearest straight section of road, where they are easily accessed by the collection vehicles.
- Do not place bins behind parked vehicles.
- Do not place bins under low overhanging branches or power lines.
- Ensure that the lid of the bin is closed properly.
- Do not overload your bins. Bins can be damaged if overloaded and will NOT be collected if they exceed 60 kilograms in weight. Please remove material prior to the next collection.
- Do not place rubbish on top or next to your kerbside bin.
- No regulated, hazardous waste or large objects are inside your bin/s.
- Use correct bin for Wet and Dry waste.
Organic waste can attract maggots and flies and leave an unpleasant sight and smell in your kerbside bin.
Here are some quick tips on how to prevent maggots and odour nuisances.
Ensure you:- Wrap your meat/fish scraps in a sheet of newspaper before putting them in your bin.
- Freeze your meat/fish scraps until collection day.
- Rinse your wheelie bin with a mild detergent (vinegar) & water.
If you have maggots in your bin, try the following:
- Open the lid to allow birds to eat the maggots.
- Spray the top and inside with vinegar.
Unable to take out the garbage bins yourself and don’t have anyone that can do it for you?
Council offers infirm garbage service free of charge, for those who are unable to or do not have the support to place their garbage bins out for collection. To qualify for this service residents need to demonstrate that they are unable to take the bins out themselves and that they do not have family, friends or other support to take the bins out.
For an approved assisted household waste removal service garbage truck driver can remove the bins from the front of the property, empty them and return them to their original position. All applications require medical sign off and are reviewed on an annual basis.
Download - Application for Assisted Household Waste Removal Service.
When property tenancy/owners change, all kerbside bins must remain at the property. Council is not responsible for providing new kerbside bins if at the time of change over the bins are missing.
Before occupying the new property Council recommends checking:
- Correct bins are present
- Correct service/s provisions are in place
Community Composting Program
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Domestic Waste Collection Services
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Household Hazardous Waste
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Illegal Dumping
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Kerbside Recycling
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Recycling Programs
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Tips for Reducing Waste
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Waste Levy and Strategies
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Waste Transfer Stations
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Wet and Dry Waste
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