Accessibility Directory

Name of Venue Venue Type Venue Information Parking Wheel Chair Access Walking Aids Visual Aids Toilets Features

Cassowary Coast Regional Council recognises that having accessible services and venues is a key factor in improving the lives of residents and visitors.

Council is currently collecting information from the community on locations, services, visitor attractions and businesses to help assist locals and visitors with a disability, as well as their family, friends, carers and support workers, to plan their trip and access services around the region. 

Cassowary Coast Regional Council will be auditing all information submitted on this form and collating for the purpose of a public directory on Council’s website for accessible locations. If you are a visitor attraction, accommodation, or food and beverage service, your information will be shared with Cassowary Coast Tourism and made publicly available on their website.

If you would like more information or have any questions regarding this form please email