Dog Off-Leash Locations

  • Coral Sea Park (North of shared path termination to Coral Sea Drive), 2 Coral Sea Drive, Cardwell.

    dog off leash cardwell




  • Foreshore along Carron Esplanade, Tully Heads (between unnamed street and Penning Park).

    dog off leash tully heads



  • Wildsoet Park, Bryant Street, Tully (excluding children's play equipment).

    dog off leash tully



  • Foreshore along Kennedy Esplanade, South Mission Beach (between boat ramp and beach access 100m North of Jackey Jackey St).

    south mission beach dog off leash area




  • Foreshore along Banfield Parade (between northern end at Koda Street and Dickinson St).

    dog off leash wongaling beach



  • Foreshore between Miter Street and Pacific Parade - Esplanade access.

    dog off leash mission beach



  • Boustead Park off Murdering Point Road, Kurrimine Beach.

    dog off leash kurrimine



  • Wrights Park corner Sherwood and Corinda Streets, Webb.

    dog off leash Innisfail



Find your closest dog off leash park

A dog off leash area is a public place established by local government, whereby a dog is allowed off-leash but under full control of the owner in accordance with the relevant animal related local law.

Dog off leash areas can be a valuable asset to the community in terms of providing physical exercise opportunities and health and wellbeing benefits. If properly managed, they can also contribute to sustainable recreation by reducing conflict with wildlife and sensitive environmental areas.

Dog owner obligations

When entering dog off leash areas, make sure your dog:

  • Is under your control (e.g. your dog will return to you when called).
  • Is not a nuisance to nearby residences, other dogs and their owners.
  • Dog waste is picked up and disposed of.
  • Is registered with Council, wormed regularly and vaccinations are up to date.

The Cassowary Coast Good Dog Owners Guide has some helpful tips to keep your dog happy, healthy and safe. This is extra important when exposing your dog to dog off leash areas.

For more information on how to be a good dog owner click here.

  • The Cassowary Coast Dog Off Leash Areas 

    • provide the possibility for the community to walk their dogs off leash
    • protect our environment. Each location has been carefully selected to minimise impacts to wildlife and the environment.
    • ensure dogs are on-leash outside of designated off leash areas.
    • engage the community about the location of dog on-leash and off-leash areas and the importance of good dog behaviour
    • provide recreational opportunities.

    Off leash dogs can be a threat to our wildlife and environment. Through the strategic placement of dog off-leash areas, this creates a controlled environment for dogs to be off-leash and minimises environmental threats. Once in place, dog off-leash areas will be supported by enforcement, public awareness and improved management of dogs who may be off leash in unapproved areas.

  • Anyone. Dog off-leash areas are shared spaces all members of the community can enjoy.

  • Dogs need to be secured on a lead when outside of the designated off leash areas.

  • Yes – dog owners are responsible for removing dog poo from any public space including dog off leash areas. If they do not remove dog waste they could be fined by Local Law Officers.

  • If your dog runs outside of the dog off leash boundary and is not under your effective control (on-a leash), you are at risk of receiving a dog off-leash fine.

    If you are taking your dog to an off leash area, your dog should be under your control. including voice control, at all times.

  • Dog owners are at risk of a dog off leash fine only when they are outside of a Council designated dog off leash area boundary lines. Signage at designated off leash areas will indicate the boundary lines.