Works or Events Involving Roads or Footpaths

If you are planning works or organising an event that involves a council-controlled road area, you need to ask Council for permission before beginning. 

A Council controlled road area includes the road and footpath. If you are unsure about whether a particular location is on a council road area, please contact Council.

Activities requiring a Work on Roads Permit include:

  • a new vehicle access (driveway) to your property or improvements to an existing access
  • works in front of a business that you own or rent
  • installation of a structure
  • excavating drains

The ‘Works on Roads Permit’ system is in place so that Council can ensure all works take into account the safe management of vehicle and pedestrian traffic, while ensuring Council infrastructure is not adversely affected.  Council also needs to ensure stormwater flow is not interrupted during works or as a result of any works.

If you intend to undertake works on a council-controlled road area, please complete a Approved Form 4.23 Alteration or Improvement of Local Government Controlled Areas or Roads and return it to Council. 

If your works are on a State Controlled Road will need to obtain a permit from Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) and possibly also from Council. Details on how to contact DTMR are detailed below.


New Vehicle Accesses (Driveways) or Upgrade of Vehicle Accesses

Council’s Vehicle Access Crossover (VAC) Policy places the responsibility to provide and maintain a vehicle access on the property owner. Please also read the Council Vehicle Access Crossover (VAC) guidelines.

If you want to install a new access or upgrade an existing access, please complete and return a Approved Form 4.23 Alteration or Improvement of Local Government Controlled Areas or Roads. Please include on the plan details as to your preferred location for the property access and intended method of construction.

Please note that Council requires accesses to be built in accordance with a standard as stated in the Vehicle Access Crossover Policy.

If your property and the road allow for a standard access, the Far North Queensland Region of Councils (FNQROC) standard drawings will provide the most cost-effective and desirable plans:

Urban access crossover - FNQROC standard drawing
Rural access crossover - FNQROC standard drawing

In locations where Council are not able to determine or recommend whether a standard access will be practical, you may need to engage a Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (RPEQ) to design your property access.

Temporary Road Closures - Markets, Parades, Sports Events, Roadworks etc.

If you are planning an event involving a Council controlled area (such as a market, parade or sporting event) and this event may require a partial or full closure of the road or footpath, you will need permission from Council. 

The process is similar to carrying out works on a road and the application form is the same.

Approved Form 4.23 Alteration or Improvement of Local Government Controlled Areas or Roads

If you are planning any type of road works, including the storage of materials on a Council controlled road area, you will need also need to follow the same process of seeking permission by of completing a ‘Works on Roads Permit Application’ form and returning it to Council.

Traffic Management

The State Government recently amended the legislation that governs the standard for signage at roadworks.  The level of required documentation has increased and so has the required qualifications of people designing the roadworks signage and installing the signs. 

Council encourages you to contact a Registered Traffic Management Company and as soon as you determine the extent of the works/road closure to complete a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) that complies with the new laws.  Council also encourages you to ensure that the company has a qualified Traffic Management Designer (TMD) who can approve the plan before submitting it to Council, with a completed ‘Works on Roads Permit Application’ form.

Some helpful information regarding traffic management requirements can be found by clicking here.

Get in Early

It is important to seek permission from Council as early as possible, regardless of the type of approval you are seeking.  Doing this will reduce the risk of your project or event being delayed while your request is processed.

Dial Before you Dig

Undertaking any excavation, always remember to Dial Before you Dig.

Heavy Vehicle Permits

Moving a heavy, wide, long or high load on Council controlled local roads requires a heavy vehicle permit.  This is a nationwide requirement that is in place to protect other road users and reduce the risk of damage to Council's road infrastructure.  If you are unsure whether the load or machine you need to move requires a permit visit the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) website or ring 1300 696 487.  Application for a heavy vehicle permit to operate on Council’s roads may also be sort through the NHVR website and online portal.

For an update on current road works, traffic diversions or other traffic matters please refer to the DTMR Qld Traffic (13 19 40) Website ( to help plan your route.

Heavy Vehicle Access Forum

Council is committed to working with industry to ensure its road network is maintained to support current and future business and industry within the region. To help understand key access and industry issues across the region an industry workshop was held in August 2018. Findings from the forum will be reported to Council and used to facilitate ongoing communication with industry. The information will be used by Council when developing its 5 year capital works program and annual maintenance budgets.

Presentations from the forum are available for download here:

For an update on current road works, traffic diversions or other traffic matters please refer to the DTMR Qld Traffic via phoning 13 14 90 or website to help plan your route.

Industry Access Portal

To assist industry identify opportunities on the road network where access can be improved Council has developed an interactive website where industry can identify specific access issues and opportunities. Upon receiving a valid request Council will make contact with operators and request more information regarding the use, movement, vehicle and economic benefits. This information will be used to identify what options are available to improve access. This may range from minor maintenance to more significant upgrades. Council will consider the costs and regional access and economic benefits for each suggestion. The website can be saved as a shortcut or saved onto the home screen of your tablet or mobile for future use.

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