Council’s Property Access Crossover (VAC) Policy places the responsibility to provide and maintain a vehicle access on the property owner. Please also read the Council Property Access (VAC) guidelines.
If you want to install a new access or upgrade an existing access, please complete and return a Approved Form 4.23 Alteration or Improvement of Local Government Controlled Areas or Roads. Please include on the plan details as to your preferred location for the property access and intended method of construction.
Please note that Council requires accesses to be built in accordance with a standard as stated in the Property Access Crossover Policy.
If your property and the road allow for a standard access, the Far North Queensland Region of Councils (FNQROC) standard drawings will provide the most cost-effective and desirable plans:
Urban access crossover - FNQROC standard drawing
Rural access crossover - FNQROC standard drawing
In locations where Council are not able to determine or recommend whether a standard access will be practical, you may need to engage a Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (RPEQ) to design your property access.
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