Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP)

In accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act 2016, Sustainable Planning Act 2009 & Statutory Guidelines 01/16 & 03/14, Council has prepared and adopted a Local Government Infrastucture Plan (LGIP). The LGIP was adopted by Council 28 November 2019 and commences 16 December 2019.

A LGIP is a statutory planning requirement under the Planning Act 2016, which establishes a sustainable program of local, higher order infrastructure necessary to support population and employment growth, including transport, water and wastewater, parks and land for community facilities. 

What is the purpose of the LGIP?

The purpose and general effect of the proposed LGIP is to:

  • integrate infrastructure planning with land use planning identified in the planning scheme;
  • identify trunk infrastructure necessary to support future urban development;
  • ensure trunk infrastructure is planned and provided in an efficient, cost effective and orderly manner, is sustainable (capable of being funded by Council) and aligns with Council’s asset
  • management and long term financial planning; and
  • provide a basis for Council to levy infrastructure charges and condition the provision of trunk
  • infrastructure as part of development.

The LGIP identifies trunk infrastructure across the following networks:

  • Water supply
  • Sewerage
  • Transport 
  • Stormwater
  • Parks and land for community facilities

The LGIP will replace the Priority Infrastructure Plan (PIP) currently contained within the Cassowary Coast Regional Council Planning Scheme 2015. 

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