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Cassowary Coast Tourism Strategy

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The Tropical Coast Tourism (TCT) - Cassowary Coast Tourism Strategy is a first for our region, being a collaboration between the Cassowary Coast Regional Council and the region’s peak Local Tourism Organisation – TCT. The Strategy largely represents an industry-driven view of tourism which is supported by the Council to promote and grow our important regional tourism industry. 

The Strategy uses four main outcomes to continue to make tourism a resilient and recognised part of the region, being:

  • Vibrant tourism economy
  • Tourism as a gateway for regional prosperity
  • Cassowary Coast as its own regional destination
  • Love the place we live

While the Strategy is CCR focused, it still recognises and does not compromise TCT’s broader industry representational interests across neighbouring regions. In fact, collaboration and leveraging opportunities with our neighbours is a fundamental aspect of the Strategy.

View the Strategy document below:

Cassowary Coast Region Tourism Strategy