Cassowary Coast Regional Council is required to comply with the health directives of the Queensland Government when it comes to restrictions associated with COVID-19.
We have developed an easy to use matrix for what the incoming measures will mean for Council-owned venues and Council-run events.
We can now share the following information, based on the latest Queensland Health directive. This direction will be in place from 5:00am, 17 December 2021 (relevant to people 16 years and over).
The health and safety of Council team members and the community continues to be our highest priority.
Council reminds businesses that the Queensland Government from Friday 17 December 2021 has introduced restrictions on businesses.
Businesses must apply restrictions for people, including employees, who are not fully vaccinated.
Business Queensland has developed a number of posters for affected (and non-affected) establishments which can be displayed (posters attached).
Queensland Health also has an informative FAQ document, please see links to both websites below.
- Public health and social measures from 17 December 2021 | Health and wellbeing | Queensland Government (
For more information, please visit the Queensland Health website
If you are seeking clarification on restrictions in Queensland or an enquiry about an exemption, please call 134 COVID (134 268).

Under direction from the Chief Health Officer ,mask are required to be worn indoors everywhere except in the family home and workplaces where it is unsafe.
Masks are already required:
- in supermarkets and shops
- public transport and rideshare
- airports and on planes
- cinemas and theatres
From 1am Sunday, January 2 they will also be required in other indoor settings, such as:
- in workplaces (unless it is unsafe to do so)
- pubs, clubs and cafes (except when seated)
- indoor stadiums and sports arenas (except when seated)
- libraries
- hairdressers and nail salons
- waiting rooms at medical centres
Access to vulnerable settings including aged care and hospitals is limited to only those who are fully vaccinated except in end of life, childbirth or emergencies.
Information for Community
Download Community Support Directory
Wellbeing and Support Information
- Emergency Relief Program search (Queensland Government)
- Salvation Army (Disasters and emergencies support)
Call 1300 662 217 - Lifeline (Mental health and wellbeing)
Call 13 11 14 - Beyondblue (Mental health and wellbeing)
Call 1300 224 636 - Headspace (Youth mental health and wellbeing)
Call 1800 650 890
Local Support Services
Community Support Centre Innisfail Inc Phone: 40438400
Supporting the Innisfail community by providing information, referral, support, counselling, legal, development and education services & programme
Tully Support Centre Phone: 40681004
Providing information, referral and support …
Mamu Health Service Phone: 1800765966
Provides culturally appropriate health care programs to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of the Cassowary Coast
Innisfail Youth & Family Care Inc Phone: 40616388
National Disability Insurance Scheme Local Area Coordination
Phone: 0436619396
Assists people with disabilities to access the supports right for them as well as assisting in building their skills to actively participate in their community.
Tenants in Sharehouse Accommodation
Tenants Qld update on the issue below:
"Sharehousing issues will be complicated with income assessments and thresholds taking into account everyone on the lease even if they are financially independent.
We think there are unresolved issues for international students who do not fit the ‘COVID hardship’ definition but are unable to travel back to Australia or need to return overseas.
Don’t forget, this is information, not advice. If you’re a tenant or a resident, please call if you’re personally affected and need help to understand your rights and responsibilities. Our advice number is 1300 744 263."
International Students and Sharehouse Accommodation
The latest on COVID-19
Call the National Coronavirus Help Line on 1800 020 080. It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450.
Australian Government Latest Information
Australian Gov Support for Small Businesses and Industry
Access the Australian Government website to see the latest COVID-19 news, updates and advice from Government.
The Australian Government has set up a team of dedicated customer representatives.
Contactable between 8am – 8pm, across Australia, through the Coronavirus business support service.
Call 13 28 46
JobKeeper Package
JobKeeper package offers a subsidy, up to $1500 per fortnight for each employee, to eligible businesses to keep paying their staff. Employers and sole traders can register their interest in this program with the Australian Tax Office.
Queensland Government Latest Information
Access the Business Queensland website to see the very latest COVID-19 news, updates and advice from Queensland Government.
Opportunities for Government Assistance
- The Queensland Government’s industry recovery package contains a range of initiatives Industry Recovery
- Queensland Government Support for Small Business and Industry
- Payroll tax relief package - A portal has been established on the Business Queensland website for businesses to apply for payroll tax relief.
- Small and medium business power bill relief
- Rent relief for small businesses
- Liquor licensing
- QRIDA Jobs Support Loans - This scheme is for Queensland businesses and non-profit organisations financially affected by COVID-19.
- Business Mentoring Assistance - Mentoring for Growth
- Financial Resilience Workshops - delivered by TAFE Queensland
- Agribusiness development tools - to help develop alternative markets food and fishing exporters and critical supply chain partners.
- Waivers of some registration and licencing fees for Inbound Tour Operators, commercial activity agreements and permits
- Supply Chain Issues - the Queensland Government is committed to assisting Queensland manufacturers and businesses that are currently impacted by the ongoing coronavirus situation. If you are finding it difficult to obtain vital materials and supplies to remain open, please access link and complete your details.
- Boosting Cash flow for Employers - provides up to $100,000 back to small and medium-sized businesses, with a minimum payment of $20,000 for eligible businesses. The payment will be tax free.
- Supporting Apprentices and Trainees Measure - Eligible employers can apply for a wage subsidy of 50% of their apprentice’s or trainee’s wage paid during 1 January 2020 to 30 September 2020.
- Additional Information for Sole Traders - Increased instant asset write off and accelerated depreciation measures for sole traders.
- Increased and Accelerated Income Support Payments for Sole Traders and Employees
- Temporary relief for financially distressed businesses
- Support for immediate cash flow needs for SMEs - Government will provide a guarantee of 50% to support short-term loans.
- Supporting individuals and households - includes income support, payments to households, temporary early release of superannuation
- Access to superannuation
- Rural Financial Counselling Service - available to any small business based in North Queensland
- Fair Work Australia – Workplace Obligations and Entitlements
- Centrelink
- Australian Taxation Office
- Fair Work Ombudsman
Other Useful Information
- Australian Banking Association - small business relief, deferral of loans.
- Chamber of Commerce & Industry Qld
- Facebook Grants
- For Education and Schools
- General State Government Updates
- Qld Health Information
- Ergon - COVID-19 Assistance