Council Endorses Runner-Up for Division One Vacancy


Councillors have resolved to fill the Cassowary Coast Regional Council’s Division One vacancy by notice to the runner-up of the last local government election.

At today’s Local Government Meeting, Chief Executive Andrew Graffen presented two options of filling the vacancy to Councillors including a by-election, or by section 166A of the Local Government Act 2009 which would see the election’s runner-up be handed the position.

“Costs associated with a by-election are estimated to be between $60,000 - $80,000 dependent on the timing of the by-election,” Mr Graffen said.

“However, the costs of resolving to fill the vacancy under section 166A are determined to be negligible.

“Taking into account that only two nominations were made for the Office of Division One at the 2024 quadrennial election and the narrow margin by which Cr Reed was successful, it is recommended that Council resolve to fill the vacancy by requesting the Electoral Commission of Queensland give vacancy notice and seek consent from the runner-up.”

Councillors voted unanimously in support of the CEO’s recommendation at today’s meeting.

As runner-up at the election Chris Littlemore will now be presented a vacancy notice by the Electoral Commission and, should he accept, will be inducted as Division One’s new Councillor.

Cassowary Coast’s Division One includes the areas of Cardwell, Kennedy, Bilyana, Euramo, Hinchinbrook Island, Murray Upper, Lower Tully, Tully Heads, East Feluga and Hull Heads.

For further information contact Council at 1300 763 903 or email