Right to Information and Information Privacy

The Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) enables you to access information held by Council. It ensures everyone has the same access to information and keeps your privacy protected.

Council is dedicated to making information and documents available to the public, so applying for formal Right to Information is only used as a last resort.

Under the RTI Act you can request personal and non-personal information and documents held by Council. Council is obligated to provide the information unless there is a good reason for it not to be provided as outlined in the Act.

For more details about RTI, visit the Queensland Government website

You can access and amend your personal information under the Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act). It's easiest to change your details by contacting Council and providing your updated details. However, you can make a formal application. No application fees apply to applications under the IP Act.

For more details on what personal information Council holds and how it's collected, check out the Your Personal Information Factsheet.

  • Before making an application, check if the information is already online. You can explore the:

  • f you have been unable to find the information you are seeking it may be time to submit an application.

    Under the RTI Act the following application fees and processing charges (where applicable) apply.

    • Application Fee: $55.75 for non-personal documents
    • Processing Charges: $8.65 per 15 minutes (after the first 5 hours).
    • Photocopying: $0.25 per page.

    There are no application fees or processing charges for applications related to personal information. However, Council may levy fees for any costs associated with photocopying or printing records.

    You will be notified if additional fees apply and can adjust or withdraw your application if needed.

    Submitting an application: 

    To submit a valid application, you’ll need to complete the Right to Information & Information Privacy Access Application Form and submit it with the applicable application fee.

    Council must respond within 25 business days, with extensions possible in certain circumstances. You will be notified if any extensions are requested.

    Submit via the following methods: 

    • By post:

    Chief Executive Officer
    Cassowary Coast Regional Council
    PO Box 887, Innisfail QLD 4860

  • If you are not satisfied with any decision regarding your application, you have the right to ask for a review.

    You can contact Council and request an internal review, and your application will be escalated for review and a decision will be provided within 20 business days.

    An alternative option is to request an external review by contacting the Office of the Information Commissioner. Visit their website for more details: www.oic.qld.gov.au

Need more information?

If you require any further assistance in relation to Right to Information, Information Privacy or accessing a document contact the Governance Team via 1300 763 903 or email governance@ccrc.qld.gov.au.

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