Making a Complaint

Please note: This section is not for lodging customer requests such as fixing potholes or attending to problem dogs. Make sure you read the supporting information carefully before registering an Administrative Action Complaint.

Complaints Management

Cassowary Coast Regional Council has a complaints management policy and process in place to ensure all complaints are handled fairly and efficiently. Your feedback helps us improve our services.

What to consider before making a complaint?

Before you make a complaint, think about whether the "Make a Request" page might be a better choice. The "Make a Request" page is for requesting a service or reporting issues such as:

  • Abandoned vehicles
  • Roads and drainage problems
  • Illegal camping
  • Broken water mains

If you’ve already made a request for service and received no response within a reasonable timeframe, proceed here to submit your complaint.

  • After you submit a complaint, a Council officer may contact you to discuss your concerns or request more information. Council will respond to your complaint, explaining the reasons for its view. In some cases, if other ways of investigating have been exhausted, your complaint might be reviewed by an independent Council officer.

    Make a complaint

  • The information you provide via the online form will be used solely for addressing your complaint. This collection is authorised by the Information Privacy Act 2009. Your personal details will only be shared with the complaints officer or, when required, a relevant department officer for investigation purposes. They will not be disclosed to third parties unless you have given your permission or it is legally required.

    You can apply to access this information using the appropriate form available on Council's website at any time.

  • Reports about suspected wrongdoing by Council or its employees may need to be reported as A Public Interest Disclosure (PID). Council is committed to protecting those who report such issues. If you think your complaint may be a PID please visit Council’s PID page for more information.

  • The Human Rights Act 2019 aims to protect and promote human rights and foster a culture in the Queensland public sector that respects and upholds these rights. Individuals can make complaints about agencies, statutory bodies, and entities to the Queensland Human Rights Commission if they believe there has been a violation, such as discrimination, the right to life, freedom from forced labor, freedom of movement, or freedom of expression.

    For more information, visit

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