Get Ready. Stay Safe. Cyclone Season Preparedness Reminder


This week’s Coral Sea cyclone forecast issued by the Bureau of Meteorology should serve as a strong reminder for Cassowary Coast residents to get ready for storm season.


Cassowary Coast Mayor Mark Nolan explained how getting ready can minimise damage to property and save time in an emergency.


“Understand your risk, make a plan and pack a kit,” said Mayor Nolan.


“Being aware and prepared will ensure everyone in your household knows exactly what to do if they are impacted by storm or cyclone. 


“This week’s warning is a pertinent reminder of the risks we face here in the Cassowary Coast, and we urge residents not to leave their preparation to the last minute.”


Cassowary Coast Regional Council has published a Storm and Cyclone Guide that offers key advice and information for residents to get ready and this guide can be found on Council’s website.  Residents are reminded that the best address in a disaster is Council’s Disaster Dashboard which can be found at


For further advice about disaster preparedness please go to Council’s Disaster Dashboard or the Queensland Government’s Get Ready Queensland site


Preparation includes:

  • Checking your house and roof are in good condition.
  • Trimming tree branches well clear of your house.
  • Clearing your property of loose materials that could cause injury and damage during extreme winds.
  • In case of a storm tide warning, knowing your nearest safe high ground and the best access route.
  • Preparing and having an emergency kit and evacuation kit ready in your home.

Emergency Kit Items:

  • A battery-operated radio and spare batteries.
  • Tinned food to last at least five days.
  • Water in containers to last at least five days.
  • Torches or candles and waterproof matches.
  • Spare clothing (wrapped in plastic) to last at least five days, and even a blanket and pillow.
  • Essential medication.
  • Self-contained cooking gear, for example, a portable gas camping stove.
  • First aid kit.

Evacuation Kit Items:

  • Emergency kit.
  • Strong footwear (not thongs) to protect against cut feet.
  • Important items (wrapped in sealed plastic), for example, your marriage certificate, passport, insurance papers, photos, valuables, back up of your computer files, etc.
  • Any medical equipment you may need, for example, an oxygen bottle or medication.
  • Some cash in case Eftpos or ATMs aren’t working

Don’t wait until it’s too late – GET READY NOW!