Chris Littlemore Inducted as Division One Councillor


Cassowary Coast’s Division One has a new Councillor following the induction of Chris Littlemore in a swearing in ceremony at the Innisfail Shire Hall today.

“It will be my great honour to represent our community and I look forward to working with the Mayor and the Council team including fellow Councillors in delivering the Cassowary Coast’s aspirations for the future,” Cr Littlemore said.

“This continues a tradition of community service as my late father was a councillor at Mareeba Shire and a fantastic community advocate.  I know he would’ve been proud to learn that I’ve followed his footsteps.”

Chris Littlemore moved to the Cassowary Coast in 2021, attributing the region’s lifestyle, beauty and opportunities for making this his home.  His professional experience includes both the public and private sectors in Western Australia, New South Wales and Queensland for more than 28 years.  Until recently he was engaged in designing a sustainable post mining environmental and economic future for Boddington where he served as Chief Executive Officer.

His qualifications include a Masters in Business Administration, Graduate Certificate in Management, Bachelor of Business and Town Clerks Certificate.

Cr. Littlemore replaces Peter Reed who resigned earlier this month due to personal circumstances.  He’ll resume the portfolio of representing the region in matters of water and wastewater.