
Cassowary Coast residents are invited to share their thoughts on a name for the region’s most significant new asset, a multi-use sporting complex and grandstand located on the Tully Showgrounds.

Following a resolution of Council on 10 October 2019 to call for the community to put forward suggested names for the new grandstand, the Grandstand Naming Committee has convened and shortlisted nominations to the below options: 

  • Tully Grandstand;
  • Tully & District Community Grandstand; and
  • Banyan Grandstand

To help guide Council’s final decision for the Grandstand’s official name, all residents are invited to share which of these options is their favorite through an online survey, here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/38KBNWC

In recognition of the significance of Percy Pease Grandstand which was demolished in 2018, the Grandstand Naming Committee has also resolved to have a plaque erected on the site which commemorates the history of the site which dates back to the 1930’s.

With completion of the $7.1M construction in its final stages, Council is on track to deliver the Grandstand on-time and on-budget with an expected opening due later this year pending COVID-19 restriction guidelines.

The Tully Multi-Use Sporting Complex and Grandstand is funded by the Australian Government’s ‘Building Our Future’ program and Queensland Government’s ‘Building Our Regions’ program.

Quotes attributed to Cassowary Coast Division 2 Councillor and spokesperson for the Grandstand Naming Committee, Cr. Teresa Millwood:

“We thank everyone who put forth their suggestions during our first round consultation period which was enormously helpful in understanding community sentiment toward this important decision.”

“Through those results it became clear to us that the name should not be accredited to any one single individual which is how we’ve decided on the three options.”

“This site is home to 19 local sporting clubs and organisations and has a strong connection with the community, so while we’re unveiling the new Grandstand later this year we’ll also be commemorating the old Percy Pease Grandstand in a plaque to share its history alongside the original naming sign.”