
Following the State Government’s waste levy introduced in July 2019, Council has recorded a four-fold increase in reports of illegal dumping  and today Cassowary Coast Regional Councillor for Waste management and innovation, Teresa Millwood delivered a strong message as she unveiled one of the new signs in Innisfail.

“It’s alarming to know that some people are choosing to disrespect our pristine environment by illegally dumping rubbish in our nature reserves,” said Cr Millwood who reminded residents of the several waste facilities located throughout the region.

“The Cassowary Coast is lucky to have seven Waste Transfer Stations across the region so there is no excuse to illegally dump waste.”

Illegal dumping hotspots on the Cassowary Coast include Waldock Road, Kurrimine Beach, Jubilee Bridge, Ella Bay, Sundown Road and Polly Creek with residents of these surrounding areas encouraged to be extra vigilant about reporting such activities.  

Illegally dumped material typically includes green waste, white goods, old furniture and other household waste.

Thanks to funding by the Queensland Government’s Local Government Illegal Dumping Hotspot Grants Program, new road signs and surveillance cameras will  initially be installed at twenty locations as part of Council’s ‘Don’t Rubbish Our Backyard – Illegal dumping’ program which will launch this month.

At a grass-roots prevention level, the program will also engage an education officer who will be jointly funded by Council with the Queensland Government’s Illegal Dumping Partnership Program to engage the community through schooling and support programs.  It is intended that this dedicated resource will also assist Council to boost intelligence and data reporting on illegal dumping activities to inform future mitigation strategies.  

Cr Millwood said, “We want everyone to know that it’s not OK to rubbish our backyard, and I encourage everyone who witnesses such activities to phone Council immediately or report illegal dumping via our website.

“Our message throughout this campaign will be clear, we are watching and we will fine you!”

Concerned residents should report illegal dumping sightings to Council by calling 1300 763 903 or go to www.cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au/report.