
A spokesperson for the Cassowary Coast Regional Council said the current heavy rainfall associated with Ex-Tropical Cyclone Imogen is creating water supply issues across the Cassowary Coast water supply systems and residents are requested to minimise their water usage until the current weather event has improved. 

“The new Bulgun Reservoir commissioned in late 2020 has already assisted Council in avoiding multiple boiled water events in the Tully supply system, however current high water consumption is placing that at risk. 

“Heavy rainfall has increased the turbidity (“dirtiness”) of the water at our Tully intakes and they have been closed.  The intakes for Cardwell and Nyleta are also closed.  Council is now relying on water storages in our reservoirs to supply clean water.

“If the creek systems run dirty for an extended period there is a risk that our storages will be depleted before our intake creeks run clean again.  This would force the implementation of widespread boil water alerts. 

“The Innisfail water treatment plant is also being challenged by this weather event and our request to conserve water applies to all properties within the region,” they said. 

Council asks residents to conserve water so we will have enough clean water storage in our reservoirs to get us through this period of heavy rainfall.

Residents can reduce their water usage by turning off sprinklers that are set on a timer, reduce the length of time spent in the shower, turning off the tap while you brush your teeth or shave, wait until your dishwasher or washing machine is fully loaded before turning it on and choose shorter, economy wash cycles. 

Further advice will be issued if boil water alerts are implemented.