
A woman who devoted herself to many community events and committees and is always ready to ‘roll up her sleeves’ to help her community, a young woman known for her cultural and sporting achievements and a sunflower message that told the world ‘G’day’ and went viral are some of the achievers recognised in the Australia Day Awards for 2021.

Cassowary Coast Regional Council Mayor Mark Nolan said on Australia Day we reflect, respect and celebrate and what better way to celebrate the day but with a celebration of the regions high achievers.

“The calibre of nominations for the 2021 Cassowary Coast Australia Day Awards had been outstanding. There has been a high standard of nominations across all award categories.”

“We have had a tough year with the COVID-19 pandemic, but it has not stopped the people of our community stepping up to the plate and demonstrating that stereotypical Australian spirit.

“Our local awards are important as they provide us the chance to acknowledge and thank the local residents who go above and beyond.

Award winners

  • Citizen of the year- Truus Biddlecombe
  • Young citizen of the year- Lori Edgerton
  • Lifetime Contribution Award- Alfred MacDonald
  • Lifetime Contribution Award- James Boyd
  • Lifetime Contribution Award- David Ryan
  • Lifetime Contribution Award-Connie Symons
  • Lifetime Contribution Award- John Beare
  • Lifetime Contribution Award- Leila Porter
  • Lifetime Contribution Award-Estelle Kopp
  • Lifetime Contribution Award-Noelene Byrne
  • Community event of the year- Sunflower G’day from Oz- Frederick James
  • Community event of the year- From War Horse to Plough Horse (100th Anniversary of WW1 Settlement of El Arish) - El Arish Diggers Museum Committee
  • Service to sport award- Michelle Lloyd
  • Young sports person award- Michael Lindsay
  • Cultural award- Marie Carman
  • Young sustainable environment award- Tully State High School
  • Achievement Award – Melissa La Spina
  • Achievement Award – Sullivans Trail Volunteer Group
  • Excellence and innovation award- Shane Greenwood


Truus is well-known locally as the ‘go to’ person for general enquiries, resources, knowledge of activities and events, wildlife enquiries– the list goes on. As a volunteer for Red Cross Emergency Services, committee member for Mission Beach & Burgundy Club, Mission Beach Community Association, Mission Beach Community Support Inc, Patron of Mission Arts and foreshore clean-ups. Truus is an inspiration to her community and a welcoming advocate for community volunteering. If there is community work to be done, Truus is there with her ‘sleeves rolled up’.

In 2020, Truus excelled with her selfless volunteer work in keeping the community connected.  This possibly has never been more important than in the year of COVID-19.  Truus continued to volunteer hundreds of hours to produce 118 regular e-newsletters for distribution to approximately 900 subscribers. 

Truus’ commitment and dedication year after year to her community, her environment and the Cassowary Coast at large, helps make this region such a great place to live.


Lori’s excellence is broad, and includes her pursuit of cultural and sporting interests alongside her academic focus.  A highly skilled musician, Loir played alto saxophone in the college concert band, and dedicated months of after-school and weekend rehearsals to school musicals.

Lori is an outstanding sportswoman especially in netball, but is also dedicated to Surf Life Saving volunteering where she has been a reliable and energetic senior mentor to junior members at Etty Bay Surf Life Saving Club.

Staff and students alike recognise in Lori her great leadership strengths, having elected her to the role of Innisfail State College Captain in Year 12.  Her oratory skills are outstanding as evidenced by her victory in the Lions Youth of the Year public speaking competition in addition to being announced the overall winner for the Innisfail District in 2020.

Lori has been awarded both a Merit Certificate (for consistently excellent effort and behaviour grades) and an Academic Excellence medal (for consistently excellent academic achievement) every year of her six years of college enrolment.

Lori will commence her study of Bachelor of Global Sustainability at Bond University this year.