
Local artists and groups are encouraged to apply for a slice of available funding as part of the Regional Arts Development Funds (RADF).

Cassowary Coast Regional Council Community and Culture portfolio holder Councillor Trudy Tschui said that individual artists, artworkers, cultural workers or project coordinators who are based in the Cassowary Coast can apply for funding towards their project and will need to demonstrate how their project will benefit the arts and culture in our region.

“Council is excited work with the Queensland Government to provide opportunities to showcase and contribute to high quality arts and cultural projects. 

“We are looking for collabrative and innovative projects. Previous grant receipients include Raymond Blanco for a contemporary First Nation dance production named ‘Salt Mother’ and Innisfail Community Band, who ran Lachlan McKenzie music workshops and performance”

Councillor Tschui suggested that if anyone is interested in applying but has a few questions, Council has a Community Development Officer, who is always happy to answer questions and offer support. 

Minister for the Arts Leeanne Enoch said that the long standing RADF program would help to boost Queensland’s plan for economic recovery, supporting artists and arts workers with employment opportunities through $4.2 million in funding for regional cultural projects. 

“The Palaszczuk Government is investing $2.08 million in RADF for 2020-21 and an additional $2.13 million will be contributed by 59 councils across Queensland,” Minister Enoch said.

“Each year RADF showcases the extraordinary innovation of the arts and cultural sector in regional communities, delivers rich arts experiences and provides important professional opportunities for artists and arts workers.” 

Projects requesting funding over $1,000 can apply for a RADF Community Grant, which are held in two funding rounds, as promoted on the Cassowary Coast Regional Council website and local media.  Round two closes on  26 March 2021, for projects commencing after 26 April 2021. 

The RADF is a partnership between Council and the Queensland Government funds projects that support and develop local arts and culture in regional Queensland.

More details on the RADF grants can be found on Council’s website at www.cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au/radf  For further information, please contact council on 1300 763 903 or enquiries@ccrc.qld.gov.au.