
Cassowary Coast Regional Council has celebrated a milestone with completion of a key water reservoir which will support about 7,100 residents in the Tully region.

Mayor Projects Portfolio holder and Mayor Mark Nolan said the final report about the recently completed Bulgun Creek intake water reservoir that was given by Council staff at a recent Council meeting was a cause for celebration for many residents in the region.

“Boil water alerts have been a cause of frustration for many residents and the news that the new water reservoir has helped our region avoid boil water alerts during the recent significant wet weather events is welcome news indeed.”

The $3.2 million Bulgun Creek water reservoir which will supply to Tully and surrounds became operational in December 2020, following the commencement of its construction in January 2020.

The reservoir has a capacity of 4.5ML which, alongside Council’s existing storage facilities at Wheatley’s Hill, should hold adequate clear water to supply the community until turbidity in the intake creeks return to normal during wet weather events. 

The Nyleta Hill reservoir was Council’s first project to use automated turbidity monitoring of the intake water and automated valves to allow the intakes to be shut when the supply creek was dirty and have clean water supplied from a reservoir storage.  This project was completed in 2017 and is a similar concept to that now completed at the Bulgun Creek intake and its reservoir.

In January 2018, Council completed the Kennedy bore at Cardwell which starts automatically when the Meunga Creek intake is turbid. So now all of our water supply schemes have access to clean water when the intake creeks are running dirty.

Mayor Nolan congratulated the project team who overcame some major challenges while constructing the facility.

“Wet weather and large boulders below subgrade threw a few spanners in the works, as well as supply issues due to COVID-19 border closures, but our team were able to push through and make this happen in time for the wet season and I’m grateful for that.

“There is still final works to upgrade the access road, which will occur after the wet season.”

The Bulgun Creek Reservoir is a joint initiative of Cassowary Coast Regional Council and the Queensland Government.

For further information contact council on 1300 763 903 or email