
Statement attributed to Cassowary Coast Regional Council Mayor Mark Nolan: With an unprecedented year, facing an emerging pandemic but remaining steadfast, we have now marked a year of substantial progress in our first year together as an elected Council.

The past year has brought us unexpected and unprecedented challenges but it has also brought us together and has allowed us to challenge ourselves to create and prepare our region for a brighter, more sustainable future.

As I look back on the last year, I am amazed by all we have accomplished, and I am looking forward to all that we will do together in 2021 and beyond. This work could not have been accomplished without the tireless efforts of all that work for and in the region. My gratitude to you is endless.

Though this year was marked with many successes, it wasn’t without loss and hardships due mainly to the COVID-19 pandemic. The work done since the beginning of last year by our frontline workers, residents and businesses has been paramount to helping the region face the pandemic and the constantly changing environment.

During Covid restrictions, Council moved to live streaming the Ordinary Council meetings. Since then we have seen data which demonstrates the public viewing of meetings is vastly greater than previous viewing in person. Live streaming also allows the public to replay meetings and watch in their own time, which is a great outcome for those working and unable to watch at the time of the meeting. I am very proud, as Mayor that the live streaming solution has led to significantly greater transparency in the interests of democracy.

In 2020, Council formed a Cassowary Coast Community Consultative Group. The group was established to provide the community the opportunity to have input into Council’s projects and decisions such as the asset rationalisation process.

At Council’s Special Budget Meeting in July 2020, Council unanimously resolved to endorse a target of $400,000 in savings through asset rationalisation and the consultative group has been an important part of the decision making process.

Asset rationalisation will allow Council to provide an improved and more efficient level of service for the ratepayers of the Cassowary Coast region.

Council recognises that every voice in our region is important and I have personally enjoyed listening to diverse opinions from the community on a number of topics, throughout the course of the year.

The Cassowary Coast is a very giving region and I am constantly humbled by the commitment of individuals and not-for-profit organisations who are genuinely committed to finding solutions for members of the community. The community came together to support the Community Christmas Appeal and broke previous records with donations reaching over $10,500. Together, we can make a difference.

With wide open spaces, crisp, clean air, the heart of the Wet Tropics and Great Barrier Reef on our doorstep as well as easy access to many parks and wildlife, On the Cassowary Coast- we have ample opportunity to enjoy a wonderful standard of living. I am proud of the role Council played this year in contributing to our liveability, through the provision of clean and safe drinking water, efficient waste disposal and well planned and maintained infrastructure.

Our well-resourced libraries, jam- packed school holiday programs and events, such as Morning Melodies promote inclusion, accessibility and enhance community connections. In 2020, the introduction of sporting bursaries was been endorsed by our community.

Thank you to our dedicated Council staff for your hard work in delivering these vital services to residents throughout our region. We are focused on educating the community to meet our target date of 2025 goal of 65% of waste diverted from landfill and a 10% reduction in waste produced by households. Council has increased recycling of up to 23 products across the region. Moving forward we will continue to focus on building a more sustainable future.

Our biggest strategic decision has been voting to take over management of our transfer stations on August 1.
The $7.1 million Tully Grandstand officially opened in late 2020 with the region now poised to become a destination-of-choice for sporting events following the opening of the region’s most significant new infrastructure- In late 2020, Council celebrated a key milestone with completion of the $3.2 million Bulgun Creek water reservoir. The water reservoir has helped our region avoid boiled water alerts, which is a cause for celebration for many in our region.

Thank you to our State and Federal counterparts who partnered with us to deliver these projects. My job would be very difficult without the continued support of my fellow Councillors and a capable and dedicated executive management team. Thanks for your passion, commitment and expertise. Our future is looking bright, but our present is worth appreciating. I truly believe the past year is one in which we can look back and feel proud. As a community we will continue moving forward together to restore and improve the health and prosperity of our region in 2021 and beyond.

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