
Cassowary Coast Regional Council has unveiled the new Corporate Plan for 2021-2025, which has been developed to ensure Council delivers a sustainable future for our region.

The Corporate Plan for 2021-2025 is a key strategic document that provides a framework and guides Council in decision making and setting policy to prioritise and deliver services, programs and facilities to the community. The strategic priorities identified for the next five years are Community: Our People, Economy: Our Future, Infrastructure: Our Built Environment, Region: Our Natural Resources and Organisation: Our Team.

Cassowary Coast Regional Council Mayor Mark Nolan said the Council worked closely with representatives from the community to ensure the range of services, infrastructure and facilities the Council provides, remains relevant for the community and provides for future needs.

“The Plan seeks to strike a balance which is central to our community’s desire to see the whole of the Cassowary Coast Region as a place with increasing opportunities for residents to live and work, where the region’s assets meet the community’s needs, a place with healthier and more sustainable lifestyles, and a place that has a healthy natural environment.

“To develop this Corporate Plan for 2021-2025, Cassowary Coast Regional Council considered local and regional issues as identified by Councillors and the executive management group at a series of workshops and discussion forums. These priorities were then reviewed by Councillors and feedback was also sought from the Cassowary Coast Consultative Group and the general public.

“In the development of the Plan we also reviewed and renewed our corporate goals in line with Council’s new direction and organisational culture. The goals of the Cassowary Coast Regional Council are the result of consultation with the community and staff and represent the overarching vision that we share for the Cassowary Coast region.

“As a Council we aspire to provide great experiences, deliver value and create a sustainable future for our community. Delivering outcomes that embrace value in everything we do is fundamental to a vibrant and prosperous community that ‘loves the place we live’ and is summed up in our vision statement - ‘One Coast: Cassowary Coast,’ said Mayor Nolan.

Mayor Nolan has requested that the 36 strategies within the Plan be reviewed and a report presented to Council at a future meeting taking into consideration any further cost efficiencies that can be applied to the upcoming budget.

To review the Corporate Plan visit