
Cassowary Coast Regional Council is investing almost $6 million into water programs to ensure water security into the future. 

Mayor Mark Nolan said it was a celebration across the region to have no boiled water alerts since September 2020. Boiled water alerts were a major frustration for many residents and the recently built Bulgun Creek intake water reservoir enabled Council to eliminate alerts over the past nine months. 

“The FY21/22 budget will continue to build on this great work with funds allocated towards design and some preliminary works to build a new water reservoir at Hyatt Street, Tully. 

 “We are committed to building the next generation of water infrastructure to support jobs and contribute to the economic recovery of our region.

“Our residents need access to safe, secure, and affordable water as one of the essentials of life. Our communities need water to survive and thrive and of course, water also supports businesses, agriculture and industry.

“This project will allow us to better manage water by storing water in times of plenty so it is available in times of need during our dry season,” Councillor Nolan said. 

“Council has also committed $890,000 towards continuing the roll out of Smart Meters and annual water renewals across our region. Smart Meters have the potential to save water by detecting leaks early and identifying patterns in usage. 

“Council can also rationalise costs currently associated with manual meter reading, which can be reallocated towards other essential Council functions.”

Councillor Nolan said works will also be undertaken to replace the water main currently under the river at Jubilee Bridge. The new main will be placed on the bridge, which will eliminate the risk of the water main being damaged by debris in the Johnstone River. 

“These are just some of the key projects that we will be undertaking in the coming year. These projects will enhance the liveability of our communities- not only now- but also into the future.”