
Production has ramped up on the much anticipated Irreverent series with nearby residents notified of planned filming activities.

Cassowary Coast Regional Council Councillor Trudy Tschui said there had been a buzz about Mission Beach with many film sets now complete.

“I have to say it is very exciting to have a series being filmed right in our backyard, and can you blame them- we live in paradise. The show will showcase our unique environment and will hopefully encourage visitors to visit Mission Beach and the wider Cassowary Coast region.

“Nearby residents will have received a letter about upcoming film activities but I would recommend the wider community follow Council’s Facebook page as we will be regularly providing updates on filming activities and any possible impacts to the community.”

FILMING DATE: Monday 27 September – Friday 1 October

FILMING TIMES: Approximately 6:00am until 6:30pm

LOCATION: 86-98 Porter Promenade, Mission Beach - Beach Front and Ulysses Track

ACTIVITY: Filming on and around the beach location, filming on the track and surrounds as required. During filming sequences, beach visitors may be slightly delayed while we complete a sequence and we will ensure access is resumed as quickly as possible. All activities are supervised by Irreverent’s Safety Officer to ensure pedestrian safety at all times.

Any enquiries on filming should be directed to Karen Jones, Location Manager, Matchbox Pictures, 0418 758 414.