November 23, 2021- COUNCIL MEETINGS IN 2022


With a new year rapidly approaching, Council has endorsed Ordinary meeting dates for 2022.

Cassowary Coast Regional Council Chief Executive Officer Andrew Graffen said as part of entering a new year, Council are required by legislation to publish a notice of the days and time when Council’s Ordinary meetings will be held. This process provided the opportunity to review the current meeting cycle to ensure that Council are provided detailed reports and sufficient time to inform themselves prior to decision making.

“legislation requires Council to meet at least monthly and investigations showed that out of 76 Councils within Queensland only 12 currently have an ordinary meeting cycle more frequent than this.

“Monthly Council meetings will allow adequate time for agenda development and review as well as providing Council time to be briefed and fully consider items.

 “Live-streaming, whilst brought in through necessity, has been an excellent tool to improve accessibility and transparency for Councils Ordinary Meetings. This medium of community access does however require additional technology and human resources to facilitate. Whilst it is anticipated that the monthly meetings will increase the duration of meetings they will result in significant resourcing efficiencies.”

Council Mayor Mark Nolan said live-steaming provided the public with the ability to watch Council meetings in their own time, as many people are at work during scheduled Council meetings and would otherwise not be able to attend.

“With consideration to the live-streaming equipment and the space available, all Council Ordinary Meetings will continue to take place in the Tully Civic Centre.”

Councillor Nolan stated that the Tully Council Chamber is the largest meeting room available in the region, which allows for greatest attendance under current advice from the Chief Health Officer (CHO).

“Council will continue to be advised by the CHO and continue to review requirements in relation to capacity and public attendance as advice is provided through the State government.

“The public continues to be encouraged to contact Council via our website or by telephone should they wish to attend in person.”

Councillor Nolan said that it is his belief that Council meetings have never been more accessible and transaparent as a result of the live-streaming technology. Our meeting schedule will now align with our neighbours in Cairns, Hinchinbrook, Tablelands and Mareeba.

“Throughout a week, your elected members are involved in numerous meetings and events where they represent you and ensure your voice is heard. These activities range from weekly Councillor information Sessions, workshops, portfolio meetings, community meetings, strategic planning sessions, Budget workshops and Council meetings.

“Councillors are focused on working hard for our region and always put the community first. Councillors want to hear from you to ensure they are best meeting your needs and concerns. If you have any local matters you which you would like to discuss, reach out to our local member and arrange a meeting,” Councillor Nolan said.

Details of Council meetings can be found by visiting

Interested members of the public can request to attend a Council meeting by visiting

To live-stream Council meetings or watch previous meetings, please visit


Contact details for each Councillor can be found by visiting