May 2020 - Overflow Relief Gully – Stormwater Exclusion Device - Installation Program



Your property is part of our sewer pump station (SPS) 6 and might be one which we’ve identified as needing a ‘Stormwater Exclusion Device (Cap)’ for your ‘overflow relief gully’ (ORG).

What is an ORG?

A drain-like fitting outside the house designed to release any sewage overflow away from the interior of your home in the event of a sewer blockage.

Why do we need an ORG Cap?

During periods of intense rainfall, stormwater infiltrates into the sewer network, and in low lying areas. Where there is significant ponding and possible flooding in private property, this surface stormwater is able to drain into the sewer system through the ORG which places extreme pressure on the sewerage pipe network.

How will the Stormwater Exclusion Device (Cap) help?

The device will allow your ORG to continue to act as an overflow relief but stop surface water from entering into the sewer system which will help address regular surcharging of sewer draining lines, as well as reduce extra costs in pumping and treatment.

Who will provide the device?

Council will!
We just need your permission. If you’re one of the identified properties in our Sewer Pump Station (SPS) 6 catchment area around Jodrell Street in Innisfail, keep an eye out for a letter from Council which will be issued in the coming days.

Who will install the device?

Council will!
The proposed work will be undertaken by licensed plumbers and should have minimal impact to any adjoining surfaces. We’ll also ensure any disturbed areas are fully reinstated.

For further information contact Council's Customer Service Centre on 1300 763 903.

Below is a copy of the letter which will be received by the relevant home owners / residents.

Overflow Relief Gully – Stormwater Exclusion Device - Installation Program

Your property is within a sewer catchment area that could be subject to stormwater or flood inundation.  Council has a program to install caps on all overflow relief gullies (ORG’s) on sewer house drainage in the catchment to minimise stormwater ingress into Council’s sewer network.  The installation of the ORG caps is a Council funded initiative that should have a major benefit to the sewerage system by preventing stormwater entering the sewerage system during periods of inundation.  

There are no costs to the property owner for these works but Council will need approval to modify your existing ORG.  Council officers will endeavour to make contact with you in the coming weeks via a door knock to gain approval for access to undertake the works.  Approval forms are attached to this letter.  If you consent to the works please provide the signed form when they seek to make contact.  If you would like further information on the proposed work or to discuss arrangements for access or any other matter, please contact Council’s Water Office on phone (07) 4030 2295 or email


Background – Why we are installing the ORG caps

As you are aware Innisfail is located in Australia’s highest rainfall region.  During these periods of intense rainfall, storm water infiltrates into the sewer network.  In low lying areas, where there is significant ponding and possible flooding in private property, this surface stormwater is able to drain into the sewer system through ORG’s.  This extra stormwater flow places extreme pressure on the sewerage pipe network.  Properties within this sewer catchment area and immediately downstream are experiencing regular surcharging of their sewer drainage lines and Council is hopeful the proposed measure will significantly mitigate this nuisance.  In some sewerage catchments in Innisfail, during periods of heavy rainfall, some of our pump stations are pumping 10 times more flow than during dry weather conditions.  This creates extra costs in pumping and sewage treatment.   

To address these issues Council has initiated a program to fit a stormwater exclusion device to the ORG on the private plumbing of each premises in the pump station catchment.  Once fitted Council will measure flow rates through the pump station to check the effectiveness of the devices at minimizing stormwater ingress before deploying to other areas of Innisfail.  


What is an ORG

An ORG is a drain-like fitting located outside the home, designed to release any sewage overflow away from the interior of your home and outside to the garden, in the event of a sewer blockage or the sewer becoming full beyond its capacity due to infiltration.  These devices are part of the property owner’s private plumbing.  The installation of ORG’s are covered by plumbing regulations and the National Plumbing Code (AS3500-1998).  


Photo of a typical overflow relief gully (ORG)

What is the ORG Cap Being Installed By Council?

Council is proposing to replace the existing ORG at each premises within the catchment area with a new proprietary ORG fitting that will still act as an overflow relief but will stop surface water from entering into the sewer system.   Attached is a brochure of one of the products that Council will trial.

The proposed work should have minimal impact to any adjoining surfaces and Council will ensure any disturbed areas are fully reinstated.  All works are being undertaken by licenced plumbers.


Installation Procedure 

The following six step plan will be implemented to roll out the installation of the proprietary ORG cap (stormwater exclusion) device.

1. Provide information to the property owner and/or residents of Council’s program (this letter)

2. Notify the property owner and/or resident of Council’s intention to enter the property and request the property owner’s consent to undertake the work (attached to this letter).

3. A Council representative will inspect the ORG’s located on the property and make an assessment of the material and labour required to undertake the work.

4. Notify the property owner and/or resident of Council’s intention to commence the work and provide an approximate timeframe.

5. A Council representative will undertake the work located on the property.  Following the completion of the work the area will be reinstated as much practicable to the pre-works state (the work will cause very limited disturbance in most cases).

6. Notify the property owner and/or resident that the work has been completed and inspected by a licenced plumber.


Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in making this vital Council initiative a success.  If you have any queries concerning this program, please contact Council’s Water Office on 1300 763 903 or email