23 September 2022 - A New Chapter (And Look) For Library Collections


Busy hands and ingenuity by Cassowary Coast Libraries have helped improved collection placement and accessibility across branches in the region. 

In response to helpful community feedback, Library team members have been busy strategically planning collections, while improving availability and accessibility.

Councillor Trudy Tschui said the recent Community Scorecard had provided valuable feedback in understanding community needs, with many responses indicating customers are pleased with current service levels. Helpful feedback is now being applied across the branches.

“Innisfail, Mission Beach, Cardwell and Tully have already implemented changes to improve ease of locating books, customer reservations, community languages (Languages Other Than English), and audiobooks.

“The Innisfail branch have moved romance, crime, and sci-fi novels to general fiction, helping customers locate their favourite authors in the one place.  Adult fiction now sits in the centre of the library, with adult non-fiction along the wall, making the collections easier to browse.

“Cardwell has improved accessibility for customers with front-facing book displays at eye level, and shelving alterations refining the flow of genres. The use of wheeled tables, made available by the new Service Development Subsidy Funding from State Library of Queensland, enhances public gathering space to accommodate community groups and library programs. This added community space opens up the accessibility of meeting rooms, which are available for hire.

“Tully has also rearranged shelves to accommodate more community spaces for quiet reading, providing comfortable spaces to access Wi-Fi for business or personal activities, and to encourage more involvement in current programs such as Thursday’s First Five Forever Children Mornings.

“Customers will notice teams continuing to improve spaces and ongoing work on developing collections throughout the year. I encourage the community to pop into their nearest branch and explore the collections and services available,” said Councillor Trudy Tschui.

To review all results from the Community Scorecard visit www.cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au/community-scorecard.

Further information on Cassowary Coast Libraries programs, services, registration for events, and operating hours can be found online www.cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au/libraries. Alternatively, follow Cassowary Coast Libraries Facebook page.