29 September 2022 - Waste Rescue In Local Schools


Household waste (wet and dry) currently makes up 50% of total waste to landfill. Committed to a goal of reducing total waste to landfill by 35% by 2025, Cassowary Coast Regional Council is piloting a school waste education program, which will help set patterns of behavior for life in the youngest of our community.

Designed around the concept of ‘kids teaching kids’ the Waste Rescue Education Program provides year three and four students with an opportunity to learn about waste issues in their own school and work together to develop solutions to divert waste from landfill, increase recycling and decrease waste contamination.

Councillor Teresa Millwood who holds the portfolio for Waste Management and Innovation said the Waste Rescue Education Program is a perfect tool to educate and create behavioral change for waste disposal practices at school and home.

“Council is very pleased to launch this program in collaboration with Lower Tully Primary School who will pilot the program in Semester Four, this year.

“Fourteen schools participated in the initial survey and all indicated that for a Waste Education Program to be successful in the goal of reducing waste, the program must address barriers of time and resources

“This program offers schools a full suite of hands on educational resources including three interactive sessions facilitated by Council’s Community Education Officer, waste audits, signage and additional support to help schools reach their waste reduction goals, including assistance with applying for funding through Council’s Sustainability Grants program.

“Teaching kids how to save food at school is a skill they take with them to their homes and beyond, which widens the impacts and most importantly positively feeds into behavior change,” said Councilor Millwood.

If local schools or community members would like to find out more information regarding the Waste Rescue Education Program, please contact Council’s Waste Education team on shared.wasteeducation@ccrc.qld.gov.au.

For further resources on Council’s Waste Management Programs and how Council supports sustainable practices, please visit www.cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au/waste-management