Fees and Charges Adopted for 2023 - 2024
At the May Local Government Meeting, Council adopted the 2023/24 Register of Fees and Charges which will take effect on 1 July 2023.
Council has the legislative capacity to develop and subsequently adopt a register of fees and charges as part of its annual budget process.
Mayor Nolan said that Council’s fees and charges are a significant part of Council’s revenue stream and are developed to support immediate community service outcomes as well as align with Council’s long-term financial sustainability plan.
“Fees and Charges are adopted in advance of the 2023/24 Annual Budget to allow community and businesses time to consider as part of their own budgeting process ahead of the new financial year.
“The majority of fees and charges have had a 6.8% increase applied with in accordance with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) weighted average across 8 capital cities and annual movement to February 2023 issued by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
“Significant changes to the 2023/24 Fees and Charges include a range of operational service delivery areas such as Domestic and Regulated Waste, Visitor Information Services, Animal Management and Public Campgrounds.
“Changes to Fees and Charges reflect the cost of community service provision and a user-pay approach. If you don’t use the service, you won’t be charged for it.
“Importantly, Council officers have worked hard to harmonize, streamline and even remove fees and charges to produce consistent outcomes where possible, for example Tully Caravan Park fees have been made consistent with River Drive, Cowley Beach and Kurrimine Beach camping grounds.
“Further, the adopted 2023/24 Fees and Charges clearly demonstrates that where Council is delivering services similar to the private sector providers, it is doing so transparently and free from anti-competitive conduct,” said Councillor Nolan.
To read the 2023/24 Register of Fees and Charges in full click here.
For further information contact Council at 1300 763 903 or email enquiries@cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au.
Image caption: Aerial image of Tully.