Council to Address Primary Health Care Issues in Mission Beach


Cassowary Coast Regional Council will take the lead with an innovative approach to address the shortage of crucial health services by leasing a facility for qualified doctors and allied health professionals to practice.

During the September 2023 Local Government Meeting, Council endorsed the proposal to take on the lease and operation of the old Tristar premises at Wongaling Beach Shopping Centre. This move will allow health practitioners, such as General Practitioners, to use this facility at a subsidised rate to provide primary healthcare to the Mission Beach community – something currently unavailable in the town. 

Mayor Mark Nolan said across the whole of Australia, many regional communities are experiencing a shortage of health practitioners, increasing the pressure on our hospital systems and impacting our local communities.

“Healthcare is not traditionally the responsibility of local government, however with reduced access to medical services, medical centres closing their doors completely, and the continued outcry from our community for Council to address the healthcare shortage, Council had to work strategically and innovatively to provide a solution.

“Taking on the lease of a building to support and encourage practitioners to use the space and provide needed care to our community, is not something the Cassowary Coast or many other local governments have done before, and it is a risk.

“However, Council believes the potential direct and indirect benefits of a Regional Health Care Centre opening in Mission Beach outweigh Council’s investment and the risk of the proposal failing.

“Council is aiming to have agreements in place by early 2024 and be facilitating the provision of crucial health care services to our community in the new year.

“Council will continue to be proactive by continuing to advocate and provide innovative solutions to improve access to health care across our region,” said Mayor Nolan.

Primary health care services were identified by the Cassowary Coast Community as a priority focus for Council during the 2022 Community Scorecard. The 2023 Cassowary Coast Advocacy Plan has Primary Health Care as a high-level initiative for Council to collaborate and advocate for place based solutions.

Council will continue to advocate to State and Federal governments and agencies to progress place-based collaboration.

This practice is centrally based within the region and will allow residents who require these services to continue to live and work in Mission Beach and its surroundings, and will reduce the pressure on Tully and Innisfail facilities which have taken on additional patients.

For further information please contact Council at 1300 763 903 or email

Image caption: Wongaling Beach Shopping Centre - Regional Health Care Centre location.