Council in Caretaker Period


With upcoming Local Government elections on Saturday, March 16, 2024, the Council would like to remind the community that we are in Caretaker Period. This involves adhering to specific protocols, such as refraining from distributing election materials and not making any significant policy decisions, such as committing to major contracts or altering local laws.

The Caretaker Period does not mean a complete halt in our operations. Our business-as-usual services and current projects will proceed as planned. The pause in significant decision-making is to ensure the election is fair, and that the new Council has a say in the major decisions that affect our community.

Throughout this period, communication from the Mayor and Councillors will be limited to their individual channels as appropriate. Council’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr Andrew Graffen will act as the primary spokesperson for Council during Caretaker Period.

The Caretaker Period will remain in effect until the election results are officially declared by the Electoral Commission Queensland

For more details, please visit  or the Electoral Commission Queensland

For further information contact Council at 1300 763 903 or email


Caretaker Period