Green Waste Monitoring for Electric Ants - Bingil Bay Area


Recently, Electric Ants were detected at Bingil Bay. The Biosecurity Queensland surveillance teams are still in the Bingil Bay area, and to this point, appear to have found a large number of electric ant colonies in the Cutten Street and Webb Court area. Given the potential for a large number of infested properties, all community members who are disposing of green waste from the Bingil Bay area MUST take their green waste to either Tully Waste Transfer Station or Bells Creek.

This is to ensure the green waste can be disposed of in the correct manner.

Transfer Station Attendants will be asking for a driver’s license, or ID to ensure green waste from the affected area is diverted correctly.

A General Biosecurity Obligation applies, and you must take all reasonable and practical steps to not spread electric ants.

We sincerely thank all community members for supporting efforts to prevent the spread of this invasive pest.

For more information please visit: