Cassowary Coast Annual Report 2022-23


The Cassowary Coast Regional Council Annual Report 2022-23 was endorsed at the October Local Government Meeting.

Mayor Mark Nolan explained how the Annual Report benchmarks Council’s actions from the Corporate and Operational Plans, as well as service delivery highlights throughout the financial year.

“Over the past 12 months we have looked inwards and challenged ourselves,” said Mayor Nolan.

“In 2022 we undertook an extensive community scorecard consultation and engagement process to understand what is important to our community, what we are doing well and what we need to do better.

“The Annual Report articulates our progress against these plans, and how Council continues to ensure that our community has a direct say in shaping the policies and projects that impact their lives.”

In 2022-23 direct engagement with the Cassowary Coast community was taken to the next level through the launch of Council’s ‘Your Say’ online platform and development of Advisory Committees, including:

  • Mission Beach Town Centre Revitalisation Project Community & Stakeholder Reference Group
  • Innisfail CBD Masterplan Community & Stakeholder Reference Group
  • Youth Advisory Committee
  • Economic Development Advisory Committee
  • Regional Arts Development Committee
  • Rating Advisory Committee

The Annual Report details how Council finished the financial year (FY 2022-2023) with an operating surplus of $1.86M compared to $174K in 2021-2022.

Chief Executive Officer Andrew Graffen said it’s important to consider the long-term financial objectives of Council and other measures that reflect Council’s commitment to operating in a prudent manner, while maintaining its financial management objectives.

“We’re focused on the liveability of our region while also ensuring Council's ability to maintain adequate service levels into the future,” said Mr Graffen.

“That means balancing the maturity of Council’s asset management functions with the community's strategic goals and our income streams over the long term.”

Each year, Council adopts an Annual Report as required by the Local Government Regulation 2012. The Annual Report must contain information on Council’s financial position, an assessment of its performance in implementing its corporate and operational plans as well as a number of other issues of public interest which are specified in the legislation.

The report is published on Council’s website and is now available to view.


For further information please contact Council at 1300 763 903 or email