Sale of Land for Overdue Rates


In accordance with Chapter 4, Part 12, Section 142 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Cassowary Coast Regional Council hereby gives notice that unless payment of all overdue rates together with any expenses incurred on the following land is paid, the said land will be sold by public auction on:

1 June 2024 commencing 10.00am

Shire Hall Foyer, Innisfail Shire Hall, 70 Rankin Street, Innisfail

Sale of land





All lands will be sold subject to any Mortgage, Lien, Bill of Sale, Caveat, Judgment, Writ or other Charge, Agreement or Process registered against or in any way affecting the property in favour of the Crown or any Crown instrumentality or any persons representing the Crown.

All enquiries should be directed to the Principal Rates and Revenue on 1300 763 903.

Andrew Graffen

Chief Executive Officer