Community Recovery Hub for Flood-Affected Residents – COMMENCING TODAY at Cardwell Community Hall


Cassowary Coast Regional Council alongside the State Government Community Recovery, have activated  a drop in Community Recovery Hub in the Cardwell community.


The hub is activated  to assist those in need who have been impacted by the North and Far North Tropical Low Floods. Residents experiencing hardship can access support from the State Government Community Recovery personal and, apply for grants, as well as receive emotional and wellbeing assistance. Community Recovery workers will help with grant applications and provide referrals to other community organisations and government agencies for further assistance.

The Community Recovery Hub will be open on the following days:

Location: Cardwell Community Hall, Brasenose Street, Cardwell

Tuesday, 4 February – from 11:00 AM

Staffed by Cassowary Coast Regional Council staff and Councillors

Wednesday 5 February, to Tuesday, 11 February 2025, operating from 9 AM to 3 PM.

Staffed by State Government Community Recovery Personnel – Assistance with grants, referrals, and support services.

Tully Community Support Centre – Wellbeing support, advice, and referrals.

Personal Hardship Assistance now available to eligible flood affected residents in Burdekin and Cassowary Coast LGAs.


The Australian and Queensland Governments have extended personal hardship payments to eligible residents in the Burdekin and Cassowary Coast Local Government Areas as flooding continues across North Queensland.

Residents need to be aged 18 years or older to complete an online application and have:

  • Identification (ID) — Driver licence and Medicare card - Bank account details. - A valid email address.
  • If you are under the age of 18, please contact the Community Recovery Hotline on 1800 173 349 to obtain advice on how to lodge an application.

Emergency Hardship Assistance Grants

$180 per person, up to $900 for a family of five or more to purchase immediate essentials like food, clothing and medicine.

Essential Services Hardship Assistance

$150 per person, up to $750 for a family of five or more to assist with immediate needs following the loss of essential services at home for more than five consecutive days.

Essential Household Contents Grants

up to $1,765 for individuals and up to $5,300 for couples or families to replace destroyed essential household contents such as bed linen and white goods.

Structural Assistance Grants

up to $80,000 for uninsured, income-tested owner-occupiers towards the repair or replacement of a disaster damaged dwelling to return it to a safe and habitable condition.

** Conditions and Eligible apply to all support grants enquire direct for further information**

Eligible residents can apply via or by calling the Queensland Community Recovery Hotline on 1800 173 349.

Community Recovery Lifeline Hotline

If you have been impacted by severe weather and need emotional support, the Community Recovery Lifeline Hotline is available 24 hours a day. Speak confidentially with a qualified disaster counsellor at 1800 116 671.

For further information on Community Flood Recovery for