July 10, 2020 - Council celebrates Reef Guardian milestone



The Cassowary Coast Regional Council (CCRC) is celebrating more than 10 years serving as a Reef Guardian after signing up for another term last week. 

Mayor Mark Nolan said the Council is proud to help protect such a global icon and local treasure.  

“We are a small council but we don’t shy away from some big environmental responsibilities,” Mayor Nolan said. 

“More than any other council in Queensland, we are living beside two great World Heritage Areas – the rainforest and the Reef.   

“The Reef has suffered in recent years, and the Council is committed to working with the community to reducing our impacts and improving the health of the Reef.”  

Councillor Jeff Baines who holds the portfolio for Governance, Environment and Finance said CCRC has developed a great partnership with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority over recent years.

‘I look forward to continuing and improving these efforts in the future with the support of the Mayor, my fellow Councillors and Staff.

The Council was among the first local governments to join the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s stewardship program in 2009. 

The Authority’s Assistant Director for Regional Engagement Doon McColl said over the past 10 years the Council had delivered some great outcomes for both the Reef and its communities.

“For example the Council’s water infrastructure upgrades not only helped residents, but also improved water quality on the Reef.

“Council also reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by installing solar panels on facilities, which has reduced costs for residents and had a positive effect on the Reef.

“Sometimes it is the attention to detail that counts - when installing rock walls at Flying Fish Point, the Council went the extra mile and created fish-friendly habitat.

“And perhaps most important of all, the Council is actively engaging with the community about the actions everyone can take to help the Reef.” 

More information on the Reef Guardian Council program can be found on the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority website http://www.gbrmpa.gov.au/our-work/our-programs-and-projects/reef-guardians/reef-guardian-councils.