July 9, 2020 - Council review results in savings and front line jobs



Cassowary Coast Regional Council has confirmed details of an organisational restructure.

Councillors today unanimously voted to adopt recommendations regarding the structure that will see operational savings in the order of $905,900 in year one and $1,003,300 in subsequent years.

Mayor Mark Nolan said a special meeting of Council held 20 May 2020 was called to consider a report regarding a review of the organisation structure.

‘At that time, a majority of Councillors voted to accept the recommendations and content of the report,’ he said.

Following this a consultation period of 21 days took place with affected employees and Unions regarding the proposed changes.  

In addition to changes proposed in the original report presented to Council on 20 May 2020, the revised and adopted report today includes further recommendations consequential to the consultation process and further amendments resulting from having identified additional opportunities for savings as part of budget preparation processes for the 2020/21 budget.  

Nolan said submissions received as part of the consultation process have been carefully considered.

‘This restructure ensures savings through the disestablishment of a number of Executive and office based roles while also creating 12 new opportunities for roles that ensure front line service delivery to ratepayers and the community,’ Councillor Nolan said. 

The 12 new opportunities are:

  • three apprenticeships
  • six labourer positions
  • one Senior Operator (Treatment Plants)
  • one Supervisor Capital Works
  • one Water Administration Officer.

Nolan said the new roles support job creation and some play an important role in critical infrastructure replacement such as water mains.  

‘The new apprenticeships are an investment in the region, growing talent to produce qualified tradespeople and potentially provide future succession for trade roles,’ he said.

‘We’ve just undergone what I believe to be one of the most comprehensive budget review processes ever seen by this Council,’ 

‘As a result of current economic conditions, we felt it was appropriate to focus on the delivery of essential frontline services and to boost the number of people on the ground to ensure that.  This will lead to increased skills within the organisation and an improved service experience by our community,’

Councillor Nolan said in the past fifteen months Cassowary Coast Regional Council has experienced three organisational reviews – in March and July 2019 and February 2020. 

‘Some tough decisions had to be made by my Council in this last review, but we haven’t shied away from the need to do that, ’ 

‘While Council strives to provide a secure working environment for all staff, the reality is that organisational structure is never fixed – it is always changing based on our community and operational needs.’ said Nolan.