October 14, 2020 - STATEMENT FROM THE DEPUTY MAYOR – COUNCILLOR BARRY BARNES Correction in relation to comments about the Port Hinchinbrook Sewage Treatment Plant


I am aware that speculation occurred at a Candidates Debate held Tuesday 13 October 2020 as to Council’s position in respect of the projected sewerage charges for Port Hinchinbrook residents.

For the record, Council’s official position has not changed since the media release distributed 9 October which included a link for Community members and residents to provide feedback and provided a forecast levy of approximately $4500 per annum for the first 10 years for Port Hinchinbrook sewerage charges. This is comprised of a $3000 sewerage charge and a $1500.00 per annum capital contribution (all approximately) for 10 years. 

I acknowledge, however, with gratitude, that Mr Katter has appealed to the Federal Government for financial assistance in this project.

If Federal moneys were applied to the solution then clearly new financial modelling would be required to consolidate Council’s forecast.

I note that this project should not place a burden on the balance of Council’s ratepayers and that the environmental impact in relation to the Great Barrier Reef would be significantly improved should the project be completed.

I hope that the Federal Government applies this thinking to its response to Mr Katter’s request.