
Cassowary Coast Regional Council Mayor Mark Nolan has thrown his support behind Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter following the latters’ challenge to Scott Morrison to match State funding* for the Port Hinchinbrook sewerage treatment plant (STP).

Earlier this week Mr Katter sought support and assistance from the Prime Minister to relieve the ‘insurmountable financial pressure being placed on a regional council and ratepayers,’.

In his letter to Scott Morrison, Katter senior said it was unconscionable that he should have to lobby for the provision of a ‘basic human right of successfully flushing your toilet,’

Mayor Mark Nolan applauded Katter’s actions adding that the cost of the STP should not be borne by non Port Hinchinbrook residents.

“I will not support the cost of this STP being subsidied by the wider ratepayer base across the Cassowary Coast.’ Nolan said.

“That said, we also need to reduce the financial impact on Port Hinchinbrook residents to the least amount possible,’

Nolan said that while the States $4.3 million contribution was generous the total project cost, including construction of the sewerage treatment plant and related work to the reticulation network, is estimated to be upwards of $8.6 million.

“Federal funding will greatly assist with the STP becoming a reality sooner rather than later and also reduce the financial impact to residents who would face a considerable charge to utilise this service.” said Nolan. 

Mayor Nolan said the appropriate management of sewerage is an essential service that is needed to ensure the ongoing public health of the community and the Great Barrier Reef.

Further information regarding Port Hinchinbrook Sewerage treatment can be found at our Port Hinchinbrook page.