
Three community groups are set to bring local arts initiatives to life with grant funding thanks to Cassowary Coast Regional Council and the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF).

Innisfail Community Band Inc., Empower Church and Mamu Health Ltd will receive funding towards innovative and collaborative arts projects that create a vibrant and interactive arts sector in the Cassowary Coast region.

Cassowary Coast Councillor and representative of the Cassowary Coast RADF Committee Trudy Tschui said the latest round of funding will assist in a diverse array of projects ranging from industry expert tutelage, through to workshops that will lead to local youth performing during NAIDOC week.

“We want to celebrate and recognise art, culture and heritage groups that encourage, educate and increase opportunities for local community members to participate in and appreciate.

“These projects drive positive outcomes for the community and help contribute to and strengthen our local arts sector,” Councillor Tschui said.

Chairperson of Innisfail Community Band Inc, Richard Graham said the funding was well appreciated and would go towards engaging music expert Lachlan McKenzie.

“We are pleased to be able to receive the RADF funding as it not only gives band members of Innisfail Community Band Inc the opportunity to learn from renowned brass specialist Lachlan McKenzie, but it also gives high-school students exposure to the same program and learnings.

“McKenzie delves into an array of different jazz genres, providing expert tutelage to build knowledge and skills amongst band members that without him might not have been learnt,” said Mr. Graham.

A concert showcasing the skills and talent of the artists will be performed towards the end of November and will be open to the general public.

Minister for the Arts Leeanne Enoch said that the long standing RADF program would help to boost Queensland’s plan for economic recovery, supporting artists and arts workers with employment opportunities through $4.2 million in funding for regional cultural projects.

“The Palaszczuk Government is investing $2.08 million in RADF for 2020-21 and an additional $2.13 million will be contributed by 59 councils across Queensland,” Minister Enoch said.

“Each year RADF showcases the extraordinary innovation of the arts and cultural sector in regional communities, delivers rich arts experiences and provides important professional opportunities for artists and arts workers.”

RADF is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Cassowary Coast Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.

To find out more about RADF and the grants are available visit or alternatively contact Council on 1300 763 903.