

The Household Resilience Program was recently announced by the Queensland Government as part of the economic recovery strategy from COVID-19 and is now open for applications.

The program provides funding to help eligible home owners in coastal parts of Queensland improve the resilience of their homes against cyclones.

The $21.25 million expansion of the Household Resilience Program is part of the first stage of the state’s economic reset, The Queensland Economic Recovery Strategy: Unite and Recover for Queensland Jobs, to help the state recover from COVID-19.

$11.25 million was funded by the Queensland Government and $10 million was funded by the Australian Government.

Owner-occupiers who live in a house built before 1984, located within 50km of the coastline from Bundaberg to the Queensland/Northern Territory border, can apply to receive a Queensland Government grant of 75% of the cost of improvements (up to a maximum of grant value of $11,250 including GST).

Approved applicants must make a minimum 25% co-contribution towards the approved program works undertaken paid directly to their approved contractor.

The upgrade work must total $3,300 or more.

Approved grants are restricted to one per household. Funding for the program is limited, and grants will be awarded until the funding capacity is met.

For more information: https://www.qld.gov.au/housing/buying-owning-home/financial-help-concessions/household-resilience-program

Quotes attributed to Cassowary Coast Regional Council Mayor Mark Nolan:

‘This program gives residents an opportunity to increase the disaster resilience of their homes and our community whilst also supporting local tradespeople and businesses,’

‘You nominate the types of improvement works you wish to undertake on your home from the improvement options covered by the program,’

‘I believe many Cassowary Coast residents would be eligible and I encourage anyone who is, to consider applying for this funding,’

‘If anyone knows the devastating effects of cyclones on lives and homes, it’s the people who call Cassowary Coast home,’

“We’ve been brought to our knees on more than one occasion but I have never known a community to be more resilient.’

Media contact 0417 721 754  |  comms@ccrc.qld.gov.au