
Cassowary Coast Regional Council has now released a request for quotation (RFQ) from suitable respondents to undertake grounds keeping duties at the campground and spit located at Dunk Island.

Councillor Nick Pervan who holds the portfolio of Planning and Regional Development said with the RFQ, Council is seeking to engage a suitable groundskeeper whose primary duties will include amenities cleaning, groundskeeping and site inspections.

“The objective of this is to ensure grounds remain accessible to our community and incoming tourists, while also allowing for the area to be maintained to a high standard, year round. By not enagaging with another long term lessee and appointing a groundskeeper, Council will gain flexibility and transparency with regard to the long term plans for the freehold land on Dunk Island and international tourism.

“Council’s upcoming appointment of the groundskeeper will be accompanied by the implementation of an online booking system. This will allow for the public to pre book one of nine camp sites on the island in anticipation of their visit. We hope these operations will encourage the community and incoming vistors to utilise the facilities on Dunk Island on a more frequent basis.” Councillor Pervan said.

“The day-use area includes toilets and picnic tables with barbecue facilities looking to be installed in the future. Dunk Island also claims many picturesque walking trails which provide views over the Family Islands and the mainland.

“Based on the success of local businesses who have previously had vendor sites on the island, Council also has intentions to advertise for expressions of interest for pop up vendors for either food or goods on the Island.

“Ultimately the objective is that Dunk Island meets its potential and allows for the maintained facilities to complement the many attractions on the mainland and the wider Cassowary Coast region.

Interested parties can seek more information regarding the RFQ on the Council website at: https://bit.ly/3vZ67aF

Alternatively you can contact Council at 1300 763 903.