
The Cassowary Coast Careers Day is back in 2021 with a huge call for businesses in sectors of primary industries, business and tourism to be involved.

Over 300 students are set to attend Careers Day, which will be held at Innisfail State College on the 11th of August and will host Tully State High School and Babinda State High School.

Cassowary Coast Regional Council Mayor Mark Nolan said the aim of Careers Day is to identify current and emerging jobs within local businesses and ensure there is a supply of local skilled people to meet that demand.

“Many students are interested in staying in the local community however aren’t sure of the opportunities available to them.

“The Careers Day creates a platform for local businesses to get in front of upcoming job seekers and build relationships that may lead to future work experience and careers,” Mayor Nolan said.

Manager of Canegrowers Innisfail Sandra Henrich said the Cassowary Coast Careers Expo is a great opportunity for our Organisation to showcase the diversity of jobs in agriculture.

“Within the Agriculture Industry, we often receive feedback from youths that when they think of jobs in agriculture they most often think of on-farm positions.

“The Careers Expo, enables our Organisation to educate youths and showcase positions that they might not often be exposed too,” said Sandra Henrich.

“Last year, Canegrowers were able to showcase those positions including; Agricultural Extension Officer, Management level positions, IT&T, Communications and Education to name a few.

“Considering Agriculture is a key contributor to our local culture and economy, it’s great to have the opportunity to highlight the possibilities of working locally in this field,” she said.

For more information on how to become involved in the Cassowary Coast Careers Day 2021 contact the Cassowary Coast Regional Council on 1300 763 903 or via email enquiries@ccrc.qld.gov.au