Please see full response to recent media enquiry from Cairns Post about current works in Cardwell and engagement with Council.
The approximately 370 team members and Councillors- that form the Cassowary Coast Regional Council are here to serve the region and its residents.
All Councillors are on hand to answer questions, either face to face, over the phone or via email. We encourage local residents to come directly to Council or their Divisional Councillor, with their suggestions or feedback so we have the opportunity to investigate and resolve matters.
Council is committed to a meaningful relationship with Cassowary Coast residents. Part of this includes working with residents to understand issues specific to their area and the needs of the community. In order to operate effectively, Council needs to hear your ideas, consider your feedback and find out what really matters to you and to facilitate these conversations, we are progressing a plan for a community wide engagement survey. The survey and engagement will be undertaken in a number of ways including online, forums and face to face meetings. This is expected to be launched in early 2022.
Interested residents also have the opportunity to join the Community Consultative Group. Nominations are open to residents’ representative of the broad Cassowary Coast community and seek to include people from a range of ages, household types, geographic locations, cultural backgrounds and expertise.
The establishment of the group provides Council with a strengthened capacity to undertake more collaborative interaction with the community and in turn, provide a more informed basis for its decision making processes.
Council provides a wide range of services, programs, activities and events for people who visit, live, study and work in the Cassowary Coast area. These include but are not limited to libraries, local parks and recreational facilities, playgrounds, swimming pools, sports grounds, arts, cultural and community events, family day care, water and wastewater infrastructure and treatment, water supply, roads and drainage services, waste services, community housing, tourism, regional planning and development services, and community venues and facilities.
This broad range of services applies across the region and Council continues to plan, prioritise and budget for sustainable service delivery informed by the corporate plan, community engagement surveys and the Community Consultative Group.
‘One Coast – Cassowary Coast’ is not just our vision, it’s what we aim to do every day.
The tender for the construction of Cardwell Transit Centre, Balliol Street Cultural Centre and the Cardwell Disability and Access Improvements closed on Tuesday 12 October 2021. Council officers will now commence the tender assessment process and an announcement will be made once the tender has been awarded and expected commencement of construction dates confirmed.
Other key projects planned in the Cardwell area include $3.7 million towards a new intake water reservoir. Design work for this project is expected to be completed in FY21/22. $1.6 million has been earmarked towards road widening of Bowen Street, between Liverpool Street and Dalrymple Street.
Tourism for Cassowary Coast and Cardwell is driven in a number of ways. This includes supporting events with funding or in-kind support as a tourism driver. Council has joined Ecotourism Australia’s ECO Destination Certification program and has begun the journey towards becoming a Certified ECO Destination.
Gaining the world recognised ECO Destination certification will set Cardwell and the Cassowary Coast apart from other destinations and tap into the sustainable travel market.
In 2020, the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport matched Council’s $50,000 contribution for a feasibility study into the proposed Cardwell Tropical Mountain Bike Network.
The Australian Government, through the COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Fund, has allocated close to $500,000 for the Cardwell Mountain Bike Trail Network Stage 1 – Early Works project.
The Early Works project will create new mountain bike infrastructure in Cardwell such as a trail head, skills track, bike wash, car parking and signage, which will link to the existing informal trails and position Cardwell as a bike-friendly destination.
$12.3 million in funding has been secured for Port Hinchinbrook sewerage treatment plant with Council officers currently negotiating the finer details. Following Council’s resolution in August 2021 relating to accepting the State’s offer for the ownership and operation of the sewerage treatment plant, a process has commenced to compulsory acquire land associated with the sewerage treatment facility at Port Hinchinbrook. We will provide further updates as these come to hand.
In September 2021, Council responded a request from the liquidator of the Port Hinchinbrook Estate to assist with an issue with a pump station that had failed.
Council is committed to continue working with the Liquidator, the State Government and with the support of the Federal Government to realise a long-term solution around the normalisation of Port Hinchinbrook.
Discussions regarding the terms and conditions of funding to dredge One Mile Creek are continuing with the Federal Government. We look forward to providing an update to the community when more information becomes available.
Comment attributed to Councillor Barry Barnes
As Councillor for Division 1, I am dedicated to the community and will continue to advocate and strive for a stronger future for Cardwell.
The splash park is still a key focus of mine and I am continuing to have conversations with Council Officers on this matter.
I encourage residents to reach out to me for a chat- I am always happy to listen and discuss how I can best help. I regularly attend many local events and meetings- such as Chamber of Commerce meetings, markets, Lions Club meetings and the Men’s Shed.
It’s also important to note that on the first Monday of every month, I run sessions from the Cardwell Library. Appointments can be booked by calling me directly on 0475 621 983.