
 “We’re all in this together” has become a well-worn phrase over the past 20 months, and rightly so. We are all in this together as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to present challenges to so many facets of our lives.

Life has changed drastically over the last two years- and over the next few weeks, life will change again- with the borders re-opening and the Queensland Government mandates coming into effect.

The Cassowary Coast Regional Council recognises and respects the concerns of residents, ratepayers and business owners within the region in relation to the pandemic.

This Council also acknowledges the individual rights of residents and visitors to the Cassowary Coast to exercise their freedom of choice when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccine. The Council encourages those willing and able to get vaccinated to do so, to help protect our community.

We know there are many challenges being faced, on many fronts, including: continuing to stimulate the economy; create employment; fill essential roles; reconnect families through domestic and international travel, and all while protecting the more vulnerable members of our community from COVID-19.

This is an emotive issue and one which has divided many people - even within families. I have been receiving communication from residents who are both for and against the rollout of State Government mandates- and there is much emotion and fear on both sides.

Local Government does not play a role in public health policy and the mandates are the responsibility of the State Government.  It’s not an area where myself or Council has the expertise to comment or offer advice to the State Government.

What we can do- is listen to the community and provide our support. I encourage you, no matter what side of the fence you sit on, to continue utilising your democratic right and speaking out to your local State Member.  I therefore recommend:

1.     Council respectfully requests that the State Government take into account the concerns of some individuals and members of the business community, and reconsiders the decision to introduce restrictions for unvaccinated people from 17 December 2021; and

2.     Council also requests that the State Government offers support to small business and the hospitality sector, namely regional operators, who may struggle to resource this mandate.