
In 2022, the Cassowary Coast Regional Council is committed to refining the customer service experience and with ‘Community First’ a key focus will make organisational changes to better service the region.

At Local Government Meeting 27 January 2022, Council adopted a new organisational structure, a project driven by the Chief Executive Officer, to better align our organisation to meet our community’s needs. 

Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Graffen said the adjustment to the organisation structure is about realising the ‘Customer First Vision’ of 2016 Community First Project and delivering on our goal of ‘Our Community, Our People’ that is outlined in Council’s Strategic Plan 2021-25.

“Council has acknowledged Customer Experience is a whole of organisation focus. The adjustments to the organisational structure were not driven by seeking organisational savings and do not result in any adjustment in employee numbers or budget implications.

“The proposed change is rather an amendment to the reporting lines to build a customer-facing organisation that delivers excellent customer experience to our Cassowary Coast Community and provides better synergies for our organisation.

“All team members affected by the change, have been consulted and all concerns surrounding the change managed. 

“There will be minimal risk of disruption to services or failure to deliver on projects and services as a result of this proposal, the change refocuses the organisation on putting our community first.” said Mr Graffen.

To read the full report, visit https://bit.ly/3IDbWkY.

For further information please contact Council on 1300 763 903 or via email at enquiries@cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au