
In the next step forward for open and transparent engagement with the community, Council has introduced ‘Public Question Time’ into the Local Government Ordinary Meetings.

“In our continued focus to put our community first, Council will now be more accessible and convenient through Public Question Time,” said Cassowary Coast Regional Council Mayor Mark Nolan.

“We’re making changes to improve communication and provide more opportunities to listen and understand our community and their needs. 

“Public Question time is a means by which the public can seek responses from Council about issues affecting local government that are of importance to them. I would encourage community members to continue to reach out any time by telephone or email if they are needing assistance or would like to provide constructive feedback.”

Council meetings are and will remain open to the public and are also live-streamed for ease and convenience if members of the public are unable to attend in person. 

The changes to Council meetings will come into effect from the April Ordinary Meeting. The guidelines and application form will be available on our website in March.

With Queensland Government COVID restrictions easing in March, Council Ordinary Meetings will no longer have capacity limits in place, which will allow even more interested members of the community to attend the meetings.

For more information about attending Council meetings or ‘Public Question Time’ please visit Council’s website https://bit.ly/3Ht5f3O or telephone 1300 763 903.