2022 State Valuation


On 31 March 2022, The Queensland Valuer-General issued land valuations for 30 local government areas in Queensland. The Cassowary Coast Local Government area was subject to this process with new land valuations taking effect from 30 June 2022.

In determining statutory land values, valuers research the property market, examine trends and analyse sales information. The valuers also inspect individual properties, interview vendors and consider the use and zoning under Council’s Planning Scheme. The date of effect for the valuation is 30 June 2022, however the date of valuation occurred on 1 October 2021.

Mayor Mark Nolan said the valuations are decided by the Queensland Government however have a direct impact on Council rates.

 “The last time the Cassowary Coast received land valuations was in 2020, and the overall land value decreased by -2.3%.

“Council notes due to the movement in the local market across the last 12 months that land valuations have significantly increased in some locations.

 “Council uses the unimproved or site valuation to calculate the general levy for our rates, increases in land value do not increase the total rate yield for Council but do impact the way rates are distributed.

“Land values usually increase when demand for land exceeds the supply of available land.

“The Cassowary Coast has seen an increase in sales as the demand for property increased as many Southerners have invested or relocated to the area from city living.

“If you do not agree with your land valuation, you can lodge an objection with the Queensland Government within 60 days of the date of issue of the valuation notice to the Department of Natural Resources,” said Councillor Nolan.

Landowners can access the latest valuation information using the Find your land valuation search available on the Land valuations website. To find out more, landowners can also view the Cassowary Coast 2022 Land Valuation Overview here.

For further information please contact Cassowary Coast Regional Council on 1300 763 903 or via email enquiries@cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au.