
Stage One of the Warrina Lakes Community Parkland is set for delivery with the announcement of the Pump Track tender awarded.

Councillor Nick Pervan said the contract award to Far North Queensland company World Trail was an exciting step forward for the project. The recent Community Scorecard highlighted the community’s desire for Council to prioritise Youth Services and activities.

Once constructed, Warrina Lakes will be activated as a youth hub and through the range of facilities available will cater to children of all ages, from primary school to late high school.

“Later this year, World Trail will be undertaking community consultation on the design of the pump track and will be engaging with interested community members to shape the final design.”

To stay up to date, interested community members can register for project updates by visiting yoursay.cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au/warrina-lakes-pump-track and signing up to receive the latest news.

“Delivering the pump track as Stage One of the Warrina Lakes Community Parkland Master Plan will provide another attraction for this community space and compliment the popular mini rail, playground and parklands. 

“The Warrina Lakes masterplan provides for development into the future to ensure a multifaceted community space that can be enjoyed by locals and visitors.

“Stage One will lift the profile and increase visitation to Warrina Lakes and the region.”

With the recently completed pump track in Cardwell receiving fanfare and excitement across the region, Councillor Pervan said that this project will continue to build on the region’s development as a ride destination. 

For more information on the Warrina Lakes Pump Track, please contact Council on 1800 708 903 or email enquiries@cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au.

Further information

  • At the April 2022 Local Government Meeting, Council endorsed the Warrina Lakes Strategic Master Plan (the Plan).
  • The staged implementation of the Plan will be a matter for Council’s further consideration, as part of its annual budget deliberations and delivery of its works and maintenance programs.
  • The Plan will be used to apply for state and federal funding for individual projects within the Plan where available.
  • The Warrina Lakes pump track (Stage One of the Plan) is anticipated to be open for use in early 2023, weather and site conditions permitting.