
This month is Get Ready Queensland which means it's time for our community to Get Ready for the upcoming severe weather season.

Cassowary Coast Regional Council Mayor and Disaster Committee Chair Mark Nolan said as part of preparing for cyclone and storm season, Council is asking residents to do their part to Get Ready.

“It’s not only your property you need to prepare, but it’s also important to remember that items left on the beach and foreshore have the potential to become flying missiles during a high wind event.

“Council is asking residents to remove loose items, such as chairs and tables from our beaches and foreshore areas in preparation for the upcoming storm season. Remember, once the wet weather event starts, it’s too late for action.”

Councillor Nolan said that when visiting our beautiful World Heritage areas, it’s best to remember to only leave our footprints behind. As nice as it is to enjoy the beach, we ask that you take your items to the beach, enjoy your time there and then take your items home with you when you leave.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – Get Ready now.    

For more information on how to Get Ready, visit www.getready.qld.gov.au/ or contact Council on 1300 763 903 or via email enquiries@ccrc.qld.gov.au.