3 November 2022 - Cassowary Coast Annual Report 2021/22


The Cassowary Coast Regional Council Annual Report 2021/22 was endorsed at the October Local Government Meeting and is now available to view online.

In a joint message, Mayor Mark Nolan and CEO Andrew Graffen said the Annual Report presents an opportunity for Council and the community to stop, reflect and celebrate the achievements of the prior 12 months.

“In 2021/22, there was a strong focus on putting businesses and our community first.

“Council signed the State Government’s Small Business Friendly Charter to strengthen Council’s continued commitment to support and encourage growth amongst our region’s small businesses.

“Council also committed funding to ensure the delivery of key events including Red Bull Defiance, Tropical Art Deco Festival, Cardwell UFO Festival, and the Innisfail and Tully District Shows which all saw strong attendance from locals and visitors alike, resulting in an economic boost to local businesses and operators.

“To ensure strong alignment between our community’s aspirations and priorities, and Council’s activities and services, Council embarked on our largest-ever community engagement project - the 2022 Cassowary Coast Community Scorecard.

“Council has listened to the community voice and developed an action plan to address the six priority goals of the community. These include:

  • Roads, Footpaths and Cycleways
  • Health and Community Services
  • Economic Development and Jobs
  • Council’s Leadership
  • Youth Services
  • Community Safety and Crime

In addition, the Annual Report highlights the organisation’s $32.5 million investment in capital works, including $11.7 million spent on road upgrades and renewal, drainage and bridges, completion of Stage One of the Mission Beach Town Centre Revitalisation Project and continued investment into water and sewerage infrastructure.

Alongside a detailed recap of Council’s strategic highlights, the Annual Report also provides a snapshot of the works undertaken by team members on a day-to-day basis to serve the community.

Highlights from the 2021/22 financial year included:

  • 26,000 tons of waste processed;
  • 4,000 customer requests resolved;
  • 245 Planning Application decided;
  • Water services provided to 13,300 properties;
  • 99,900 visits to regional aquatic facilities;
  • 124,600 library books loaned; and
  • 160 bridges maintained.

The 2021/22 financial year saw Council achieve a net result of $8.5 million and an operating surplus of $174,000. Council’s financial position continues to be sustainable.

The Annual Report includes the Annual Financial Statements, which received an unmodified opinion following an audit by the Queensland Audit Office.

To read the report in full visit www.cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au/annual-report.  

For further information contact Council at 1300 763 903 or email enquiries@cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au.